Wild outposts knowledge exchange

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. To make villager safe areas, 3+ iron golems with fire resistance and strength potions can be a near unstoppable force.
  2. Somehow I have never posted on this thread! I am queen of a thriving outpost on Smp5, entirely done in Tolkiens Middle Earth style, and called Middle Earth. It is co-run between myself and God_of_Gods and nearly all members have contributed in major ways to give us some fantastic functional and decorative builds. Some tips we have learned along the way:

    *our hotel is crucial because it gives new members a place to camp out and live as long as they need while building their own place

    *community storage for Middle Earth builds, which everyone is encouraged to help keep stocked - and amazingly this works wonderfully and there are usually enough supplies to help new members and new projects get started up

    *Stole the Mooshroom idea from LLO - great tip there with the food stations, and it is so useful! We have also included in each food chest a couple stacks of materials for creeper incident repairs. Even with comprehensive lantern systems on all our roads, accidents still occur.

    *Mob farms affect one another, research the mob cap for each type of creature and place your farms accordingly. We try to place those that have no affect on each other close together, because then when you are at one the other is still gathering resources. (i.e. my tree farm is near the iron farm, so golems spawn while we are chopping). Oh and animal farms are forbidden near the mob farms! We encourage members to raise their livestock at their town plot instead.

    *Time zone coverage - this is a problem, we do try to get people from every zone but even if we have several active Americans, not all of them are out at our outpost at the same time so it can get lonely out there. The Europeans are the same way, there are many times when I am totally alone for hours at my outpost, and just when I am ready to go to bed, in come the Americans after their work day. My goal is that there should be someone at the village at all times, to discourage random griefers, support one another (momentus loves our village), and work on projects together.

    *Underground railways and horse trails everywhere - crucial, especially when the outpost gets as big as ours! We have even started on creating equestrian roads underground, parallel to all underground rails. This is a major project but the one that we have finished to date is very handy. If we had only thought in the beginning to do all tunnels 4 blocks high this would have been so much simpler.
    penfoldex and MrsWishes like this.
  3. Thanks for sharing your experience! Do you have any more tips about placement of Mob farms/farms? What farms beside the iron/tree farm combination work well together in your experience? Approximately how far apart are your farms?
  4. Well, we have our vegetable farms near the skeleton spawner; the crops grow only when someone is nearby, and the bone meal doesn't have to be transported so far

    We have an ink farm near our gold farm, those mobs aren't affected by one another but squid farms are pretty unpredictable anyway

    the guardian farm is of course already far enough away from everything else, so far we haven't put anything else near it

    We did a blaze rod harvester in our nether fortress, and have opened up the fortress itself for easy wither skeleton hunting so there we get 2-for-1 as well
    MrsWishes likes this.