What would be the best way to use emerald blocks in builds?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by We3_MPO, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. I'm asking because I have no clue (I haven't seen them used in builds very much), but getting them can be quite easy if you have good villagers and the right combination of farms. I would prefer to use them in combination with other materials and not for walls.

    Any input would be appreciated.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. I'm not a veteran builder so my opinion should obviously be picked up as such, but... My advice would be not to overdo the emerald usage. Some blocks such as gold, diamond and emerald can make good building blocks (especially together with quartz) but the downside of the medal, once again: in my opinion, is that a building can also quickly become a little "too much'.

    This holds especially true if there isn't a real specific design but the blocks got added because of the blocks; or in other words: not because it would make a good design, but because those are 'expensive' blocks. Now, that doesn't have to be the whole idea behind the build, but whenever I see an excess use of "expensive" blocks (as said: diamond, gold, emerald) then this is often my first impression.

    So yeah... don't use excessively and in my opinion they're most suited for floor designs because of their color.

    Hope this can give you some ideas.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  3. In the very rare case when I use them, it tends to be for very small points of focus in fantasy-themed builds. I know I explained it badly, so have an example.
    TomvanWijnen and ShelLuser like this.
  4. So, do you mean, for example, window framing, spires, etc?
  5. Small literary reference here... in Angie Sage's Septimus Heap, the Wizard Tower, one of the main plot points, has a capstone made of gold. Try that maybe?
  6. Thanks for the advice. I might think using expensive blocks sparingly, as implied in ShelLuser's advice might look good, especially for tall buildings made of quartz, diorite, etc. I did however specifically ask about emeralds because (thanks villager trading!) they're considerably easier to get than gold and diamond if you're willing to put in the effort required.
  7. Yups. or as I said as a tile in a floor pattern. For some reason (probably its green color) it never really stood out that much with me in a floor, but depending a bit on the floor itself of course.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  8. Hmm...well I did some research online and was reminded of an oldy, but a goodie :eek:

    Even found an interesting Minecraft take on the gem ;)

    Here is a youtube link that might give you some inspiration :D

    Hmm...another thought might be Green Lantern themed...anyways...way too early and I should be in bed.

    Good Luck with your build...GoodKnight

    Tempered Outpost Founder