Tranformice | The Empire

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by wisepsn, Oct 3, 2013.


Do you play Transformice?

Yes! 13 vote(s) 37.1%
No. 18 vote(s) 51.4%
Sometimes. 4 vote(s) 11.4%
  1. didn't think of it that way ;) (I'm on nao, but I might go AFK for little chunks to watch old episodes of DW :p)
  2. TFM died....
    AliceF3 likes this.
  3. What
  4. all of TFM's servers are down :(
  6. still on
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  7. coming
  8. I would but its 10:18 pm and I need to sleep...
    Im on my phone anyways...

    Whelp, g'night I guess :p

    ~Gone to snooze u.u~
    607 and DemonThunder345 like this.
  9. I'm online if anyone wants to join me :p
  10. of course, just as i have to go.... :mad:
  11. Well you were on when I had to go to bed yesterday :(
  12. Ill probably be on tomorrow.
    AliceF3 likes this.
  13. I just noticed I haven't been on alot anymore. :eek: I will try and get on more often lol. This thread is doing great though. It is like we have a Transformice EMC Outpost. :D
  14. *still online* owo
  15. Why do I always have all the weird people message me?! x.x

    (Just got this random message and it got weird quickly...)
    > [E2] [Alejanluna] HI
    < [Alejanluna] Um, hai n.n'
    > [E2] [Alejanluna] HOW ARE YOU
    < [Alejanluna] I'm good, thanks owo'
    < [Alejanluna] You?
    > [E2] [Alejanluna] GOOD
    > [E2] [Alejanluna] WHAT IS YOUR NAME
    < [Alejanluna] Alice ...
    < [Alejanluna] Whats yours?
    > [E2] [Alejanluna] YOU ARE A GIRL
    > [E2] [Alejanluna] D A N I E L A
    < [Alejanluna] That's a nice name n.n
    > [E2] [Alejanluna] YOURS TO
    < [Alejanluna] Wait wait wait, if you want my booty then you can't have it xD (Her tribe is: THE BOOTY HUNTERS)
    > [E2] [Alejanluna] YOUR BOOTY NEVER

    Maybe I shouldn't be so nice to randomers...
    princebee and wisepsn like this.
  16. *dies of WTFing* also, randomers? :p
  17. Teh Bumpz (Anyone on?)
  18. I'm coming on soon :p
  19. u no coming on?