The Hamster Stream Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Share Your Let's Plays and Other Videos!' started by JackBiggin, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. Name him Bender! Like from Futurama, "bite my shinny metal (butt)"
    UltiPig likes this.
  2. name the iron golem , Steely
  3. golem= SequitraDeriseElJohnsonGeorgeGoodman the Third.
  4. The Tin Giant
  5. Man I'm either idiotic and show up after the stream or I'm not home when it starts :/
  6. Jack The Iron Golem
  7. Edward Von Eldersteen, sounds like a ridiculous name for the Golem.
  8. Apologies for the technical problems. I'm working on getting 1.11 working properly with streaming stuff but who knows how long that'll take.