[SUGGESTION] Zombie Virus

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by stormboy231, Dec 26, 2020.


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  1. So the other day I was cleaning out my storage and came across thousands of zombie virus potions and thought to myself...what is the real reason they are in game and found new real answer. I had an idea of maybe a custom craft or brew (if possible) with a zombie virus and a spark to make a vaccine potion (if you see where im going with this). Basically a custom potion that would either have a region effect or something like strength 3 on it for a limited amount of time. Something to finally give those storage takers a use in the game.
  2. They already have a use. Bunch of debuffs but also resistance upon consumption.

  3. right, but this seems like a bunch of stuff you dont really want to use. Why not make it into a helpful item with a spark?
  4. Well that's the point, I suppose. It's a less useful but more common Haunted Candy.
    Apologies for my misunderstanding, I thought this was a suggestion to add a use to Zombie Virus itself, not to make a new item crafted using Zombie Viruses. +1 in that case :)
    stormboy231 likes this.
  5. Correct, I simply want to make a bad vs good side to this item with an “upgrade” to it.
  6. It's actually an extremely powerful potion. It looks awful on the surface but if you think of the potion in a purely defensive capacity it is probably the second best item on EMC in that capacity.

    Think about it: if I throw 100 zombies with 3,000 hearts and triple the usual damage at you and I tell you to survive for two minutes (and I very well could one day :p), they'll burn through golden apples like its candy because absorption is capped at 8 additional hearts and the resistance is fairly meager at resistance I. And lets not get started with normal golden apples....

    In that context, you're mainly looking to survive so you're not going to care about blindness or nausea (which don't impact your ability to live) and probably won't care too much about hunger. Weakness matters little if you're enduring. Resistance IV cuts damage taken by 80%. If you set up shield and armor well you stand a decent chance of surviving if you're chugging zombie potions.
    wafflecoffee and stormboy231 like this.
  7. Right, the resistance of the virus is good, but in my case I battle bosses on diff 10 so the negative effects will do a lot worse to me then just staying alive a few seconds longer. Which is why I’m suggesting the use of a spark to make this item into a “zombie vaccine” and benefit the player in combat.
  8. I doubt it will happen because the zombie potion is already borderline OP in a defensive capacity in spite of the offsets placed on it, so converting it to an offensive capacity would likely take away the challenges that come from higher difficulty levels. Difficulty 10 should never be close to a walk in a park, especially if soloing, and Resistance IV in an offensive capacity might make that the case.
    stormboy231 likes this.
  9. I say make it have the ability to add gunpowder so we can throw them at people during Firefloor.. I think that would be hilarious.
    Ethy202, ThaKloned and stormboy231 like this.
  10. Oh yeah, especially during those speed rounds.. :D
    AncientTower and stormboy231 like this.
  11. Love how this turned from a “make it stronger” to mods replying with how to “make it harder for players” 😂😂😂
    AncientTower likes this.
  12. We can survive anything you throw at us
    A N Y T H I NG

    Personally I don’t use zombie virus because the de buffs outweigh the buffs in most normal situations. I know resistance 4 is a massive reduction in damage.
    It’s only helpful in mob arena (if there even allowed anymore) and the rare (sadly) spawn a million bosses events

    a buff to make it more viable in every day survival would be

    Hunger IV - 0:15
    Slowness IV 0:20
    Weakness IV - 0:20
    Nausea IV - 0:15
    Resistance III- 0:20
    stormboy231 likes this.
  13. It’s basically an OP potion of turtle master.
    Ethy202 likes this.