(SUGGESTION) A Creative server

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Mrlegitislegit, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Your argument is invalid.

    That would drive Supporting members away if they wanted to use the PvP server. Never would this happen.
    jamesg003 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. Ladies ladies, you're both ugly. Go take your problems somewhere else.
    jamesg003 and jacob5089 like this.
  3. Yes, before you ever joined, Utopia was a Supporter ONLY world. Another invalid argument.

    It became a Supporter ONLY server when we upgraded to multiple SMP servers. :)
    jamesg003 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. ... -_- Heres a new concept: Dont bite the hand that feeds you -_-
  5. I have been on empire longer than a lot of the people posting here.
  6. You can still visit.
    You can still have perms to the res's.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  7. And the point to that is....? Nobody talks to you on on utopia. When I got on, one diamond supporter said something after 15 minutes of being on. Nobody answers questions. I asked where any cool reses were and nobody responded.
  8. Thats because almost all the supporters are in /c s, the supporter channel.
    jamesg003 likes this.
  9. Two words;
    Supporter Chat
    Town has always been quiet on there, and even when some supporters are on there, they hardly ever use Town Chat.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  10. And it's too much to ask them to type /ch town?
  11. The ones that are in town will likely talk to you. Those who arent (i would say about 90% of them) will only know that you logged in.
  12. Even when in the wild/nether?
    Although most of the supporters on there are in The End lol
    jamesg003 likes this.
  13. How about we just end this here and stop disturbing the people. This got a bit out of hand, I've heard there's a nice tater tot auction going on. Rainbow might just get into a bidding war :p
    RainbowChin likes this.
  14. nah, it's not dirt
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  15. I'm not really seeing what a Creative server would add that we don't already have in some form. In fact, given the way I've used SP Creative, an EMC creative server could actually be worse than SP. If you've ever tested something that doesn't work in EMC on SP, you know what I mean.

    Something along these lines I think could be useful would be the ability to change Difficulty Modes in an area once Wild Protections are available. Imagine being able to have a Creeper-less base out there without having to smother it with torches.

    Also, even in Peaceful mode, grinders and farms can be rough to work on. I've been trying to get a multi-spawner Spider grinder working before I have to start dealing with poison. I'm not sure I would protect a farm even if I could afford to, but I know there will be times I wish I could.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  16. Hah, i get it!
    Cuz most of the supporters are in the End, and you wanna End this fight XD
    RainbowChin and jamesg003 like this.

  17. Im just that troll that runs around and ruins arguments.
  18. No lol, I genuinely just meant that they ere in the end lol
    jamesg003 likes this.
  19. I like this idea, but the wild should have plots too. That way when Aikar has a server up date we can see how it will effect are creations before it goes into effect on the normal servers.

    A EMC creative PTR server. There are differences between vanilla minecraft and empire minecraft.
    It sucks to build some thing to find out it dose not work on emc or work like it would on single player.
  20. This will not happen, i dont really even need to read through the comments to know that, the Mods have said MULTIPLE times There. Will. Be. NO. Creative. as well as pvp, at least not for a long, long time, and i honestly hope there never is, all creative is really good for is testing out snapshots and stuff like that, but that is all.