Reset chunks to newer version

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by Vortixin, Jan 3, 2023.


Good idea?

Yes 1 vote(s) 11.1%
No 8 vote(s) 88.9%
Maybe but needs some changes 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I stay in town 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Basically in regular mc there are programs that can reset chunks to newer versions of minecraft. Currently Once a chunk is generated it contains blocks and spawn for mobs from that version. My suggestion would be that a player such as my self would be able to pay SS to update a chunk to a newer version as long as that chunk is within my outpost and contains no one else’s protected blocks. The price could be high or as we know chunk generation can be random so idk. Currently the world is finite because EMC has made the world smaller so everyone there is a new update or somthing the make the world a little bigger from what I understand. This means to expience or build in a new area you have to
    A. build in the waste that will reset.
    B. Build super far away from your base/outpost

    But this suggestion would make use of the our outpost more and make people build more in their current outpost. Ofc just like right now where SS require written permission from all the people who have protected blocks in the area do do anything this would require the same.
  2. The main issue with this is the fact that it can be exploited in certain ways.
    Since this would most likely be done via the //regen command with WorldEdit, it would just throw the chunks back to their original state as the world seed dictates. However, since that seed is set in stone you *theoretically* could find all ores or other rare-blocks that were contained in the chunk, remove them, then regenerate for "infinite" profit. Now while this wouldn't be cost effective in the slightest it still is an advantage seeing as you would know exactly where it is.

    But my main question is this, why? Why do you want to reset a chunk? If you wanted to build something new you can just tear down the old build and start there. If you needed new terrain you can always go and make another outpost just outside your current one [that's what I do].
    KatydidBuild, 607 and Tuqueque like this.
  3. I agree with the concern raised by Cyberazaz. Indeed, it might not be cost-effective, but in certain circumstances it might be, and it would be a hassle to figure out how high the price should be to avoid that. Moreover, this should not become a way to more easily gather materials.

    World size has nothing to do with finding new terrain, as there is plenty of unexplored terrain in each Frontier. You do have to travel a few thousands of blocks before getting to a lot of it, though, but if you're building a new outpost, this should be no issue. Do you have an existing outpost built in a place where a witch hut would be or something like that? I'm also not sure in what circumstances this would be useful.
  4. I gave this a resounding No vote. As Cyberazaz101 mentioned, this could be exploited if it was re-updated after a future update, unless there was an absolute limit of one time per area (which could prove messy if world generation is substantially changed yet again). Also, it is possible to expand by adding an adjacent outpost right outside of your own if needed (which we did with the MPO long ago to ensure it included every major biome pre-1.13, and in multiple places in every case except mushroom fields); my main concern would be the messy mix of old and new terrain from prior exploring rather than the doability of expansion itself. Last but not least, what about those outposts where most members are inactive or have left entirely, and/or 50+ people have joined at some point, making unanimous consent nearly impossible? This wouldn't be fair for them. Respectfully, I dissent.
  5. Mojang already completed this with the 1.18 update.
    Refreshing the blocks/ores is NOT what the Wild is for. The Wild world is already larger than the Waste world and SS could expand the borders if it was actually necessary.
    607 and We3_MPO like this.