nigt vision glasses or like ligt bowl or yea sugition

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by daanhu, Apr 6, 2022.

  1. sujestion is a item that u can put on u head that gives u nigt vision but it runs on veul like a furnase

    glasses that give u nigt vision that run on any ting that u use as veul in a vurnase but it burns like 2 or 4 times faster tho make it that u cant put in a stack of coal blocks and use it for like 2 weeks

    or same idea but with a player head that looks like a redstone lamp thats off = no nigt vision and veul

    redstone lamp thats on = nigt vision and veul
  2. I get what you're going for here, but with so many custom items that have enchantments that help you stay out in the wild longer, there probably isn't much purpose - night is supposed to be difficult and either battled through or slept through - and if you're mining, just bring torches, haha.
  3. i just want tho make the biggest couse of pulution on emc on my head