Looking for a willing trade: Ender Blade for a Marlix head.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by MoldyFiletMignon, Jul 29, 2018.

  1. A Marlix head is the only bosshead I don't have, out of the five. I'm in desperate need.
  2. I have a Marlix head I'd be willing to trade
    LordNutmeg_II likes this.
  3. Gladly. I'll give you the blade when I see you again on smp4.

    (EDIT: I'm currently on the road, getting home from vacation, so I won't be on for four hours, but I will be so I can vote and get my bonus to 73. Just mail me the head, and I'll mail you the blade. )
    rykly18 likes this.
  4. Sounds good, I'll be home in a couple hours and will send it then
  5. I'm almost home. Can you meet me on there when I do get home and settled in?
    rykly18 likes this.