Get Your Rupees Ready, DRAGON EGG Auction Incoming!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DrasLeona247, Mar 1, 2022.

  1. For many years, you've been grinding and grinding away.

    Farming, mining, selling, trading, flipping.

    All for the R....

    And for what? To buy promos everyone else has?

    The time will soon come for you to finally acquire something that makes even the most accomplished of collectors green with envy.

    Indeed, soon there will be an auction for a regular Dragon Egg, the best display piece your res could possibly have.

    It should be a spicy auction ;)

    This is not my egg; I am auctioning it for someone else :). Rupees will go to a variety of good causes
  2. *laughs* I don't have enough raw rupees after the last one :p
    DrasLeona247 likes this.
  3. hype! Wonder where this one comes from since so few are accounted for? Unless an old player came back and dropped off the dozen they've been holding onto all this time. Got an egg like that once but I still paid a huge price to be fair to them. Regardless, if money was no issue I'd buy it just to burn it >:)

    So do I resist the SHINIES or bid because I have no self control?
  4. This egg is indeed from an old player returning!

    But, if you've been waiting for your chance to get an egg, this will likely be your only chance to do so.

    And burning it would be devious :p
  5. sad not anoug rupees only 300k

    tho be fair i wut just make a Diamond block piramide tho put it on and a like a beacon beam goin inside it and than a upsidown piramide on it

    and like 9 pillars that like tho have and like status of players ar carrying but they tho havy and they like yea
  6. DrasLeona247 likes this.
  7. hmmm, would be interesting. rarest block in game, why not?