"Expired profile public key" - can't connect

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Fred_TWK, Feb 28, 2023.

  1. I am getting this message when I try to connect:

    - clock is sync'ed
    - changing timezone (and then back) has no effect
    - rebooting the system has no effect
    - logging out and in again from the launcher has no effect
    - using a different launcher has no effect
    - on discord (from here on) turns out I am not alone.

    Something up with the server?
    607 likes this.
  2. Ok, issue seems to be gone after the night reboot.
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  3. Weird. Not sure what happened. It has never happened while I have been awake/around. Hard to investigate as a result.

    Glancing at the code. I notice that the same message is used a few different places in the code. I don't hold a lot of weight in the system time part of the message. Maybe this is something Mojang improves in 1.19.4 which is to come out soonish.