Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Arbiter1223, Jul 8, 2021.

  1. Hello! I would like to request the establishment of the Villager Rehabilitation Spheres outpost. The location of said outpost is in the SMP7 Wilderness at about 118, -15850 coordinates.

    The purpose of this outpost is to give me faster emerald acquisition via the conversion of Villagers to Zombies (aka Zombification) and curing of said Zombies back to Villagers (aka Dezombification). Through the process of Zombification and Dezombification of Villagers and housing of said Villagers, it will give me discounts on trades and keep the Villagers in a safe environment.

    The Rehabilitation Spheres will be large biospheres floating above the ground (or water in this case as I appear to have emerged above an ocean) connected to each other via tubes on the sides. Each sphere has a diameter of 80 blocks, taking into account the 75 mob limit rule per 5x5 chunks. An image representing what the spheres will look like is included below.

    I hope that the current chosen location is within the conditions of being far enough away from other outposts in the area. If not, I will gladly relocate to a more suitable location. If there are any questions or concerns, I would be happy to answer them. Thank you for your consideration!

    Pab10S, FadedMartian and DrasLeona247 like this.
  2. Here is another image of what a cluster of spheres will look like.

    The smaller spheres with the tubes on them (Villager Zombification Spheres) will be where new Villagers are brought via boat to be zombified and dezombified. Once fully cured, the Villagers will be moved to the bigger spheres (Villager Rehabilitation Spheres) to be permanently and safely housed for trading.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. Congrats your outpost is established :)
    Arbiter1223 likes this.
  4. Thank you so very much!! :D