(Closed) [SHOP] Shulker Emporium--Your Stop For Shells

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by DrasLeona247, Oct 6, 2021.

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  1. Your chests are overflowing, your vaults are a no-mans-land of heaps of garbage, and your inventory is akin to a dumpster. What does this call for? Shulker Boxes, of course

    Indeed, one cannot truly have too many of these premier organizational tools. Thus, we announce the Shulker Emporium, the one-stop-shop for your shulker box needs.

    Behold, a highly affordable solution to your woes. Purchase shells in singular or bulk quantities (with an appropriate discount applied), with chests conveniently located underneath for your crafting.

    Best of all, we offer a Price-Beating Guarantee. See another shop selling significant quantities for lower? Simply message, and we will beat that price handily, bulk quantities included.

    Starting prices are: B 1 699, B 64 40k

    With plenty of inventory, the Shulker Emporium will be your lifelong partner in setting your personal affairs right. Furthermore, if market conditions should change, the Emporium will update prices accordingly.

    Save money, and live better ;)

    Located at 10050 on smp5, or /v +shulkers

  2. Obwan is selling boxes on Utopia for 1k each.
  3. For singular boxes, not bulk shells. But, our prices may change later
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