Jan 24, 2015
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Revered Member, Male, from Sacramento, California

🎶️ Incluuuuuude, Linux! Compiler! 🎶️ May 28, 2024 at 9:39 AM

    1. Joy_the_Miner
      Masks back on, for the children!!
    2. Joy_the_Miner
      ¡Ve directo al fin de semana!
    3. Joy_the_Miner
      California, what are you doing? Stop banning "gaming PCs", you ARE NOT helping the environment by doing that, you're just pissing a lot of people off... >:(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SoulPunisher
        It’s not a ban on gaming PCs lol, it’s a more of a cap to push big companies like Dell into stopping their pumping out pre-built energy inefficient shite into the market. This is quite literally going after big business for dirty tactics and ensuring there’s a still a viable market in a decade’s time, not sure what you’re on a mad one for mate
        Jul 31, 2021
      3. Joy_the_Miner
        It's very vague, at best. Where it currently stands, there are major loopholes that these SIs can (and most likely) WILL abuse. The amount of energy savings that this is going to accomplish is miniscule, and will create a lot of eWaste of PSUs that are fully functional that they have lying around.
        Jul 31, 2021
      4. Joy_the_Miner
        Instead of going after the big polluters (the oil industries/car manufacturers), we see politicians with their heads up their rears, yet again... Only in America would you see something this stupid...
        Jul 31, 2021
    4. Joy_the_Miner
      Deepslate emerald economy will go through the roof. Get them now before 1.18 comes!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Joy_the_Miner
        In 1.17, deepslate emeralds exist. In 1.18, they do not. Mojang changed how ore generation works in 1.18. Deepslate emeralds will only naturally generate in 1.17. Get them while you can!~
        Jul 27, 2021
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Interesting! Thanks for sharing. This will give some extra incentive to stay out mining for longer.
        Jul 28, 2021
      4. Joy_the_Miner
        No problem Nick~ Make sure you try to collect as many as possible, because I have a very good feeling that they will be pretty valuable when 1.18 rolls out!
        Jul 28, 2021
    5. Joy_the_Miner
      Happy 10th birthday EMC!
      1. wafflecoffee likes this.
    6. Joy_the_Miner
      "Today we will be talking about ____!!!" --- *Stifles snickering*
    7. Joy_the_Miner
      Valve: Announces Steam Deck. Me: *Gives them a thumbs up* --- Valve: Announces eMMC storage on base model. Me: *Nearly had a heart attack*
      1. triphora
        Still better than spinning rust!
        Jul 18, 2021
    8. Joy_the_Miner
      Thank you Joe Biden for the "Right to Repair" EO. Your reputation has improved a little bit, to me.
      1. UltiPig and __Devil_ like this.
    9. Joy_the_Miner
      Nintendo: *Releases OLED Switch for $350* --- Internet: *Roasts Nintendo*
    10. Joy_the_Miner
      First one to fork Audacity with a sleek and modern UI gets my first download to replace the original Audacity (with telemetry...)!!!
      1. triphora
      2. Joy_the_Miner
        For Linux, and not Windows? I'll wait. I don't even know what it looks like either. My guess is that it's the same UI as Audacity.
        Jul 6, 2021
      3. triphora
        Yeah, it's the exact same as Audacity currently, just without telemetry
        Jul 6, 2021
    11. Joy_the_Miner
      Muse, what were you thinking?!? RIP Audacity, you were good, real good, maybe even the best... :(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Joy_the_Miner
      3. TomvanWijnen
        I haven't caught up on that thread yet, as I've been busy and seen no need, so I'm not late to a party. :)
        Jul 6, 2021
      4. TomvanWijnen
        After reading the link 607 posted in that thread, it seems that there so far isn't much to worry about. Good to know. :D
        Jul 6, 2021
    12. Joy_the_Miner
      I call to a vote that we get rid of stupid units such as Kibibytes (KiB), Mebibytes MiB), Gibibytes (GiB), Tebibytes (TiB), etc..., and all the others that represent multiples of 1024. Things were so much simpler with Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB), Gigabytes (GB), and so on...
      1. farmerguyson likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 607
        It is confusing if they mean something different in computing. And whereas the difference between 1024 and 1000 is not so big, it adds up, as you can see in my screenshot.
        Jul 9, 2021
      4. Joy_the_Miner
        Agreed 607. Shame Microsoft doesn't care much and offer measurements in both. I've seen the 1,024 and 1,000 variants used appropriately in Linux. Now that we're talking about it, I wonder what Apple has done with OSX and how those bytes are measured?
        Jul 9, 2021
      5. Joy_the_Miner
        I'm just curious if Steve Jobs thought ahead and had his operating system support and display both numbers, where appropriate, rather than the cheap way Microsoft did it with Windows.
        Jul 9, 2021
    13. Joy_the_Miner
      July 5th, I'm glad you're here! I survived last night's warzone to come and see you!! :D
    14. Joy_the_Miner
      "Exploding sticks of gunpowder" Day is back, yet again... No sleep will be had tonight. I'll be in my fallout shelter this evening and until tomorrow morning.
    15. Joy_the_Miner
      July 3rd --- Some people set off "fireworks" today and it set off distant car alarms from several blocks over...
      1. ElfinPineapple
        Mortar go boom. Big boom.
        Jul 4, 2021
      2. Joy_the_Miner
        Seems legit. lol
        Jul 4, 2021
    16. Joy_the_Miner
      2 nights left until it sounds like WWIII outside... I look forward to the 5th of July already.
      1. wafflecoffee likes this.
    17. Joy_the_Miner
      That delta variant though... ._.
      1. UltiPig likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. SoulPunisher
        I dunno I’d have thought things would be kept the same until you hit a 70% vaccination rate, not having Dr. Fauci wheeled out to say you don’t have to wear masks anymore if you’re vaccinated lol. Joke country tbh
        Jul 1, 2021
      4. Joy_the_Miner
        America is a complex creature to understand. Best you do not attempt to do so. Even with Trump gone, 40-ish% of the country still believes Trump won the election and that COVID-19 is nothing to take seriously. Biden wanted (I think) 75% of the country vaccinated before the 4th of July. Well that ain't happening.
        Jul 1, 2021
      5. Joy_the_Miner
        At least I've kept to my own moral obligation and kept myself safe and alive by getting vaccinated. That's what matters. When the "Delta Variant" runs rampant through America... God have mercy on those souls who didn't get vaccinated...
        Jul 1, 2021
    18. Joy_the_Miner
      Steamed Hams is another meme that will not die. I was on Youtube yesterday and was being recommended videos made just months ago! Impressive! :o
    19. Joy_the_Miner
      Windows 11 should be called "Windows 10.1", in my opinion.
    20. Joy_the_Miner
      Microsoft, remove the TPM 2.0 requirement for Windows 11!!! >:(
      1. chickeneer
      2. chickeneer
      3. Joy_the_Miner
        Oh thank god! Thank you for the correction Chickeneer, I was legit scared Microsoft was enforcing that.
        Jun 24, 2021
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    Sacramento, California
    State Worker
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