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Jun 2, 2024 at 10:19 PM
Feb 13, 2018
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Esteemed Member, Male, from New York State, USA

Looking to buy a few perm vouchers, I have rupees and/or promos. May 5, 2024

Kryarias was last seen:
Viewing wiki Vote for the Empire!, Jun 2, 2024 at 10:19 PM
    1. Kryarias
      i'm ready for 1.16 :P
      1. Nickblockmaster and wafflecoffee like this.
      2. Aikar
        Me too :P
        Aug 31, 2020
      3. triphora
        Me too :P
        Aug 31, 2020
      4. DaddyDNon
        Wow an Aikar comment!
        Me too :p
        Oct 20, 2020
    2. Kryarias
      Just to clarify things. I'm a guy.
      1. ChespinLover77 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Did you forget? 😑
        Aug 30, 2020
      4. Rhyblet
        Aug 30, 2020
      5. ShyguytheGamer1
        Wonder what events led up to this post.
        Aug 30, 2020
    3. Stnywitness
      YESSSS!! I was your 1000th like! :D Lol, congratz bro
      1. DaddyDNon and Kryarias like this.
    4. Kryarias
      just bought something for $150 and I think it was a scam...
      1. DaddyDNon likes this.
      2. 607
        Oh no! What happened?
        Aug 18, 2020
    5. Kryarias
      I need ideas on what to do on emc
      1. UltiPig likes this.
      2. AncientTower
        Kill all your Donkeys and Horses. That's my plan one day.
        Jun 17, 2020
    6. Kryarias
      I think my accounts are derelict and I can't get on :(
      1. WitherDoggie
        None of them are derelict yet. Some of them are protected from their supporter status. 5 of them are about a week away from being derelict. You can vote for those accounts to keep them safe.
        Apr 11, 2020
      2. WitherDoggie
        If you are going to be away for an extended period of time, you can message Krysyy and she can put protection on your accounts.
        Apr 11, 2020
    7. Kryarias
      do bees sleep on utopia?
      1. Sadie_Dragon
        I doubt, if the sun never sets, and it never rains in town.
        Mar 22, 2020
    8. Kryarias
      So I had a zombie try to convert my villagers into zombie villagers and have had 2 failed attempts. I already lost 2 villagers. Does anyone know what I should do or could you show me I have a place set up near spawn in the wild.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sadie_Dragon
        So what this means, Kry (I commented then saw chickeneer commented)- it will work 50% of the time. Meaning, no, not every time. Kloned, i thought the "for one emerald" was patched in 1.15.2 to be more balanced? But yeah, it's still a bit ridiculous how cheap you can get stuff.
        You'll lose an average of 50% of your villagers trying this.
        Mar 22, 2020
      3. Sadie_Dragon
        Doesn't mean it doesn't work, this is just how the game is coded. I don't think it's worth the time, though.
        Mar 22, 2020
      4. Kryarias
        Trading in town is easier anyways so I am going to just keep doing that
        Mar 22, 2020
    9. Kryarias
      I need a good 1.15.2 iron farm design, anyone got a link? I can't seem to find a good one because there are so many.
      1. belac555
    10. Kryarias
      When will the Christmas promo go away. I have been busy and can’t get on.
      1. Krysyy
        Dec 31, 2019
      2. Kryarias
        Thank you so much
        Dec 31, 2019
    11. Kryarias
      Getting in later. Hopefully my accounts aren’t derelict.
    12. Kryarias
      Still driving home from Florida
    13. Kryarias
      Today is the actual services. Won’t be in until Tuesday at the earliest. Hopefully my accounts don’t go derelict.
      1. AlexC__
        Which account do you need derelict protection for?
        Nov 30, 2019
    14. Kryarias
      In the car to Florida from NY. Hopefully accounts done go derelict.
    15. Kryarias
      My uncle died a few days ago. Now I just found out one of my friends committed suicide.
      1. __INKY
        I'm so sorry for your loss- it must be so incredibly hard to lose two dear people in such a short time. Stay strong! Keeping you in my prayers.
        Nov 24, 2019
      2. MoreMoople
        Aww, that's terrible :( My thoughts and prayers are with your family and your friend's family. Please send me a message if there's anything you need to talk about. I know that's incredibly painful to go through.
        Nov 24, 2019
      3. Sefl
        Hey man! Keep strong. I know what it's like, I lost 2 friends same year of high school ._. and a 3rd classmate to the same thing, if you need to talk just msg me! I and many others are here for you!
        Nov 24, 2019
    16. Kryarias
      Just found out my uncle in Florida unexpectedly passed away. May not be on this weekend anymore.
      1. MoreMoople
        Oh no :( I'm so sorry for your loss. My inbox is open if you need anything at all <3
        Nov 23, 2019
    17. Kryarias
      I don’t think any of you guys care but sorry I haven’t been on. Indoor track really takes up my life because it’s after school and I still need time for HW. See you guys this weekend
      1. crystaldragon13
        Oh, we noticed and yea.. we miss ya. See you this weekend. =]
        Nov 23, 2019
    18. Kryarias
      I wish steam allowed you to trade or sell games. I have Jurassic World Evolution and really want Planet Zoo.
    19. Kryarias
      Time for the Pre-ACT. Hopefully I will be on later.
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