Last activity:
Jun 1, 2024 at 8:12 AM
Nov 23, 2015
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MPO Founder

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Dedicated Member, Male, from Tennessee

For whatever reason, my normal Minecraft launcher seems to be working again. I felt the urge to try it this morning, and it worked! I noticed that I had automatic windows updates off after replacing my graphics card and turned them on. I doubted it'd do much, but it seems it did! May 16, 2024

We3_MPO was last seen:
Jun 1, 2024 at 8:12 AM
    1. fadedmartian
      I would like to publicly state that though I do not agree with a few of the staff members and the temporary ban situation, I do *not* want the situation to get out of hand. I have previously stated that I am not making a big deal out of this situation, as I already have figured out nothing constructive would come out of it. (See comments)
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. We3_MPO
        Thanks for letting me know! I will. Also, I think you made a grammatical error saying "I do want the...". I knew what you meant anyways, but you may want to edit it for those who don't/wouldn't know.
        Jun 8, 2018
      4. fadedmartian
        I appreciate it! I fixed it!
        Jun 8, 2018
      5. We3_MPO
        Thank you!
        Jun 8, 2018
    2. We3_MPO
      I'm going to try to study the street layout of Phoenix in-depth soon. I know it's generally a grid layout, but that doesn't help me know the road names and the layout at the smallest level, both of which I need to know if I'm planning to move somewhere.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. fadedmartian
        @We_3 the roads start and stop like crazy once you get out of Phoenix lol. Where I used to live near by there is a retirement city, and jesus it is crazy lol
        Jun 7, 2018
      3. We3_MPO
        @Tom: So I can get around.
        @Roslyn: Like Faded said, every city has some bad parts. Plus, those cities are costly, and Flagstaff doesn't have the climate or LGBT community I'm looking for. Phoenix, however, is warm, massive, not as expensive, and has a bigger LGBT community.
        @Faded: They do? Like, there are a lot in scattered regions and some empty regions?
        Jun 7, 2018
      4. We3_MPO
        As much as I complain about the heat here, it does tend to be very humid here, and the cold is even worse. I prefer either mild, or hot and dry.
        Jun 7, 2018
    3. We3_MPO
      Condolences to those affected by the Chicago, IL shooting. What a dangerous city. :(
      1. Loic_MaitreDuFeu likes this.
    4. Loic_MaitreDuFeu
      You +like all post you see, you like post of everyone/threads, you follow anyone you may +like
      You merit a follow and this post also need a +like from We3_MPO
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    5. We3_MPO
      Google, please stop giving me ads for Orlando vacation deals! >:( I'm not visiting a city that gets hit by hurricanes multiple times a year, is humid and summery for 9 months a year, and has had a homophobic mass shooting that killed dozens in a day.
      1. We3_MPO
        Besides, all of Florida is at high risk of both hurricanes and terrorism.
        Jun 7, 2018
    6. We3_MPO
      Ugh. Today was horrible. It got to 95F for the high this afternoon, and when it was 57F this morning, the relative humidity was 100%, so it was extremely hot AND horribly muggy. :/
      1. View previous comments...
        Area near krysyy
        Jun 7, 2018
      3. We3_MPO
        Oh. Is that usually dry like where I plan to move to, or humid like where I currently live?
        Jun 7, 2018
        As I said I’m from a area near there but where I’m from it’s dry I think it’s dry there also and humid once in awhile
        Jun 7, 2018
    7. We3_MPO
      Considering the other stresses I have already been having to deal with, and the fact that I'm siding against the staff (which I rarely do) on the situation with FadedMartian, I'm even less likely to return in the foreseeable future. I still respect the staff, but...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. fadedmartian
        Jun 6, 2018
      3. 607
        I think you've said enough about whether you'll leave or stay or return. It honestly reminds me (although this is different) of HelloKittyRo, with her habit of making a leaving thread once a week.
        We'll see whether you stay or not, you don't need to constantly update us on it. :)
        Jun 6, 2018
      4. We3_MPO
        I kind of started to think of that too, 607.
        Jun 6, 2018
    8. We3_MPO
      Both the temperature and dew point are currently 58°F. That's pretty muggy, but at least it's neither cold nor hot... Temperatures in the 60s and upper 50s °F, as well as in the low and mid 70s, are pretty nice. If only it weren't muggy, I'd be able to withstand hotter temps...
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
    9. EnderMagic1
      Just a quick question. Why do you like posting about climate/biomes? Don't take this the wrong way, just curious ;)
      1. FadedMartian and We3_MPO like this.
      2. We3_MPO
        I'm super interested in that stuff. I also love plants and animals.
        Jun 6, 2018
    10. We3_MPO
      They're expecting a high of 93 Friday, and because my house is often a few degrees warmer than expected (except the low), it'll probably get into the upper 90s. I hope it doesn't get to 100+, plus it's horribly muggy here, but I'm fully expecting a 100+ reading before July. :(
      1. triphora
        100+ before July? Whaa? Well, I do live slightly more north thsn you, also. We almost never get 100+ before July, and even then it's not until mid-July.
        Jun 6, 2018
      2. We3_MPO
        True, you do, and being near the coast also tends to moderate both winters and summers (even the Caspian Sea and the Great Lakes are big enough for a moderating effect).
        Jun 6, 2018
    11. We3_MPO
      I'm not sure how exactly that's going to work, but I've heard turtles are supposed to spawn in Swamps, Plains, Jungles, Deserts, Savannas, and Badlands. I also wonder if the islands will be different biomes in warmer/colder oceans.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 607
        Aw, not a fan of that. But they changed those and didn't change 'Hell' to 'Nether' or 'Underworld'?... Or was that changed before?
        Jun 5, 2018
      3. We3_MPO
        Actually, they did change Hell to Nether. They also added four separate biomes to the outer end, but they all have the same ground and temperature.
        Jun 5, 2018
      4. 607
        Ah, okay, so they've been changing up more of them. I can understand that, but as F3 is mostly intended for debugging anyway, I liked to see the original names.
        However, I guess biome names now also get used in some of the world generation options.
        Jun 5, 2018
    12. 607
      You like so many posts. :P
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. We3_MPO
        Habit. lol
        Jun 4, 2018
    13. We3_MPO
      Well, thanks everyone for the 31 alerts... This will take a while to check...
      1. RainbowPony likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. We3_MPO
        I don't think it's bad. I once had over 40 alerts. It just takes a while to check is all.
        Jun 3, 2018
      4. 607
        Likes don't take a while to check, RainbowPony. :P
        Jun 4, 2018
      5. RainbowPony
        Nah nah nah nah, it was other stuff too. Comments, quoting posts... I mean yeah majority was likes.. but not all of it.
        Jun 4, 2018
      1. View previous comments...
      2. We3_MPO
        I do not believe I am good for the EMC community or having fun here, so I'm probably better off leaving. If I do unexpectedly manage to get the MPO fixed, I'll probably either let it take its course with brand new leaders and me forever remembered in its history, or make that my final bastion of life on EMC and fly under the radar most other places.
        Jun 3, 2018
      3. We3_MPO
        Either way, however, I'll still probably vote daily and be checking the PMs a lot, so if you still want to have contact with me, you may do so.
        Jun 3, 2018
      4. We3_MPO
        However, last but not least, I will certainly remember and miss some of you. Also, thanks to those of you (staff or not) who are doing good for this community and the people in it.
        Jun 3, 2018
    14. We3_MPO
      To whichever staff member deleted two of my recent statuses, please PM me why...
      1. ElfinPineapple
        Stand by.
        Jun 3, 2018
      2. We3_MPO
        It was you? Sorry if you don't want to admit it publicly, and I don't really have an issue with the person who did delete them. I'd just still prefer to know who did and why, if possible.
        Jun 3, 2018
    15. We3_MPO
      Really, my day yesterday wasn't a good one, despite my two Jack Russell Terriers turning 6. Not only about [redacted by user], but I also found out that my second crush, as I figured, is NOT gay and doesn't even know any guys besides me who are.
      1. We3_MPO
        Plus, I also very nearly cried (and was tempted to make myself cry over) at the sight of Cedric Diggory's death in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, although it is a good movie overall.
        Jun 3, 2018
    16. We3_MPO
      I am so sorry that I posted a status a few hours ago (and comments on it) that were rude, dramatic, and threatening towards an animal in the family. I was angry and just felt like admitting what I'd done and how I felt. However, I still strongly dislike her as she's annoying.
    17. We3_MPO
      Filler. Please ignore.
    18. We3_MPO
      Congratulations to MoreMoople on MOTM, and happy 6th birthday to my two female Jack Russell Terriers!
      1. MoreMoople and Sydney4363 like this.
    19. We3_MPO
      I got so mad at an old friend that I said nothing and blocked him immediately... fml
      1. We3_MPO
        And if you want to know why, please PM me, as the reason is moderately controversial.
        Jun 1, 2018
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    The Minecraft Paradise Outpost on SMP6 has lots to offer! Thread: emc.gs/t/63120/

    If you need to handle a protected block of mine, please PM me on the forums. I've re-enabled email notifications for private convos so I can handle your requests.

    I am We3_10AC, just FYI.


    MPO Founder
    Hello, fellow EMC players. The below info shows everything you need to know about me.

    I am a founder of the Minecraft Paradise Outpost on SMP6. That is where I spend most of my time on EMC. We mainly specialize in building, but we also try to make our transportation systems better than you'd find most other places and have farms to obtain various items. We have a very organized democracy. If you would like to join, please PM me. Make sure you check often for an application, but keep in mind that it may be a while and that you're not guaranteed to get accepted. We do have every biome from before 1.13. Unfortunately, we only have one Mushroom Island, and only one Ice Spikes that is completely within our boundaries, but we do have more Ice Spikes partially in our boundaries, and we have two each of even Badlands and Jungle.

    I have various hobbies in real life, as well. They include riding around, drawing, partying, studying maps, studying the weather, playing outside (if it's not hot or too cold), hanging out with my friends, and of course, gaming. I even live on a 160+ acre farm where we have four-wheeling trails and several creeks. The property owners, my parents, and I enjoy what we have, and we always try to think about what we can do to improve even more. :cool:

    I have a Jack Russell Terrier that has been with us since July 2012. She's still going strong, even after all these years! :eek:

    I do play other games, too. They include, but aren't limited to, Cities:Skylines, Banished, Transport Fever 2 and American Truck Simulator. The only multiplayer server on a game I currently play on is EMC, because most others seem like they're not interesting, too small, or not good servers for my kind of person. :oops:

    I am also a minority in two ways. First, I am on the autism spectrum. I was diagnosed when I was only two, and am very lucky compared to most autistic people. I would like to tell you all, as someone living with it, that it can be hard, but isn't always extreme. If you would like to know more about Autism, there is a documentary called Autism in Love. I recommend it, because the words are from four people living with Autism and their families. Coincidentally, April 2nd is both my mother's birthday and Autism Awareness Day. Secondly, I also am part of the LGBT+ community because I am gay. I haven't had a boyfriend yet as of May 2024, but am trying to find one. Fortunately, my mom, friends, grandmothers, closest cousins and aunts/uncles are supportive, and I wish everyone was this lucky. I support equality for all (including animal rights), too. I believe that every human has value as long as they do what they enjoy without being mean to others, and that animals and even plants are very valuable (and in the case of animals, I believe should be equal) forms of life too.

    I do also study climate and the weather, and I was fortunate to be born into the subtropical climate of the southeastern USA. I was born in Middle Tennessee and have lived there all my life. My favorite season is Summer because I hate the cold and love storms and bright sunlight, plus I prefer green trees over dead-looking or autumn-colored ones and like flowers. My least favorite is Winter for the reasons stated before, combined with my seasonal anxiety in November, December and January. I prefer autumn over spring due to the warmer, more stable weather and continued green/barren landscape, although I'd still choose late spring over late autumn for the same reasons as summer and winter. I even have a thread about the seasons.

    Do you like to draw and/or look at drawings? I do have a thread where I post some of my digital drawings, and as stated above, I do like to draw; but it's mostly (not entirely, of course) summer/spring stuff because I like colorful stuff and green stuff, and value life in general. The link is: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/we3s-art-thread.75122/

    I hope you found this interesting. If you would like to talk to me, you may PM me, but as always, please do not be rude.


    Some of my favorite quotes:

    "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -Sirius Black (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

    "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." -Yoda (Star Wars)