Last activity:
May 27, 2024 at 1:42 PM
Feb 20, 2012
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Analog Engineer/Manager

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Revered Member
, Male, from Virginia

11 years... woo! Mar 9, 2023

Inuyasha1204 was last seen:
May 27, 2024 at 1:42 PM
    1. Inuyasha1204
      After a many few years of hiatus, I'm back! Total revamp of all of my residences and more to come. Get ready EMC!
      1. 607
        I thought you've been around. :P
        Sep 3, 2019
      2. crystaldragon13
        Yay!! Glad yer back duuude!. =D
        Sep 4, 2019
      3. MoreMoople
        Woot woot :D
        Sep 4, 2019
    2. Inuyasha1204
      Spent my entire birthday at work! yay me
      1. ElfinPineapple
        Got money though! If it's possible I'd take that day's pay and spend it on yourself :)

        If not all of it, then some of it.
        Aug 18, 2019
    3. Inuyasha1204
      I'm feeling 22! #Birthday #TaylorSwift
    4. Inuyasha1204
      This is ... SPARTA! 😝
    5. Inuyasha1204
      Awarded Empire Wizard, 7 years I've been apart of this community. Time sure flies by doesn't it.
      1. MoreMoople
        Congratulations!! :D
        Feb 26, 2019
      2. Kephras
        Just got that one about half an hour ago, too :) */feels old now*
        Feb 26, 2019
    6. Inuyasha1204
      I think it's time I make an appearance again.
    7. We3_MPO
      I hope you had a good Cinco de Mayo, but I didn't. :(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. We3_MPO
        Aww. That sucks. I hope you recover soon!
        May 8, 2018
      3. Inuyasha1204
        It's been almost a week and after spending a fortune at the doctors and prescriptions later I am feeling and doing 100% better!
        May 13, 2018
      4. We3_MPO
        May 13, 2018
    8. We3_MPO
      How's 2018 been treating you so far?
      1. Inuyasha1204
        It's been going good honesly! Started a new serving job making a lot more money than working at Ruby Tuesday. I've been able to save money, along with paying off my outstanding credit card debt. lol
        Mar 28, 2018
      2. We3_MPO
        Nice! Congratulations! I wish the minimum wage would be raised to $15/hour like Hillary Clinton would've if she won, that way poverty and debt would decrease drastically.
        Mar 29, 2018
      3. Inuyasha1204
        I do agree, but at the same time the Government has shut down twice in the past year and few months, being that money could not be printed and people who work for the government, state, and etc would be making no money period, but as making that, the price for everything would go up drastically. Gas would possibly go up to 8 dollars a gallon or more, just depends on the state and tax.
        Apr 6, 2018
    9. levyhalmen
      Hahaha, another oldie, ehh! EMC just last weekend granted me 6 years of play!
      1. Inuyasha1204 and We3_MPO like this.
    10. We3_MPO
      How was your Holiday season? And how do you feel about the soon-to-be New Year?
      1. Inuyasha1204
        Well, I've already started the New Year off with a terrible time. It's been a long story so. :/
        Jan 2, 2018
      2. We3_MPO
        That's unfortunate. Hopefully it improves. :(
        Jan 2, 2018
    11. Inuyasha1204
      I need new idea's for building, comment please! <3
      1. Nickblockmaster and We3_MPO like this.
      2. Ch33zus
        if u willing to go out bare far in wild on smp3 and help build a huge jungle village w/ me then calm it will take me years cause i play MC in phases and havent been playing for ages
        Dec 7, 2017
      3. We3_MPO
        There are many projects at the MPO you'd be welcome (but of course, not required) to help with, and you're already a member of that. You could also build your own stuff there; maybe even a personal tower in one of our major cities!
        Dec 9, 2017
      4. levyhalmen
        Make a large scale squid farm. One that doesn't kill the squids for you, but transports them to a killing area. You know just to take all the more time as you need to figure out how to transport squids without killing them!
        Feb 23, 2018
    12. Inuyasha1204
      So, these Lays Crispy Taco flavoured chips are actually pretty good!
      1. Nickblockmaster and NDubb424 like this.
      2. jewel_king
        taco?..... lol
        Nov 7, 2017
      3. NDubb424
        Someone told me they were bad so I haven't tried them. Now I might have to!
        Nov 7, 2017
    13. Inuyasha1204
      Finally had my root canal and no more infection or pain! I do have bone loss in my jaw from the infection though.
      1. We3_MPO
        It's good to know that you're not hurting. Hopefully the bone loss can recover ASAP!
        Nov 2, 2017
      2. Inuyasha1204
        That's what their hoping. If it doesn't start to grow back, then they'll need to do a bone graph.
        Nov 2, 2017
    14. Inuyasha1204
      Once it passes and they can numb me up, they'll do a root canal on it and hopefully it won't come back!
      1. synth_apparition
        A greater wonder of modern medicine than the great colonoscopy.
        Sep 27, 2017
    15. Inuyasha1204
      So, I have this acute infection thing again on the root of my front tooth. On a lot of antibiotics and pain killers till it passes.
    16. Inuyasha1204
      "Awarded Empire Elder". ^-^
    17. Inuyasha1204
      Oh my lawd! I can't believe I'm 5 years on this server today! :P
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
    18. Inuyasha1204
      Whelp, 4 days away from being on here for 5 long years! How exciting!
      1. Nickblockmaster, We3_MPO and AlexC__ like this.
      2. charlyeee
        Noice and congrats!
        Feb 16, 2017
    19. Inuyasha1204
      Whelp, In the past month I totalled my car and got a new one.
    20. Inuyasha1204
      2nd year of college is a huge drag, plus working full time!
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
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    I am still one of the few long time players still on EMC! Believe it or not, but it's the truth, I'm over 7 years and 10 months old on EMC, now that's old! :p


    Analog Engineer/Manager