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Apr 2, 2024
Sep 26, 2015
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Middle of Nowhere
Chicken Wrangler

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Esteemed Member, Female, from Middle of Nowhere

*pokes house* Sell faster so I can move please. ;_; Aug 26, 2019

Arystina was last seen:
Apr 2, 2024
    1. Nickblockmaster
      Happy New Year 🥳
      1. Arystina likes this.
      2. Arystina
        Happy New Year!
        Jan 1, 2020
    2. Arystina
      *pokes house* Sell faster so I can move please. ;_;
    3. Arystina
      I feel bad that I haven't been on EMC much these days. Just got a lot going on in IRL right now.
      1. BTHarrold98
        I wouldn’t worry, I was gone for a couple years due to IRL things, it’s all about time management and what’s important, but take your time and it’ll all fit into a pattern and it’ll be easy :) And now look, I’m back first week in :)
        Feb 27, 2019
    4. Arystina
      *Sees Eyender for the first time. Sets down bed by it.* 'Oh, I'm only lvl 3, let's poke it and see what it can do.' *seconds later* MISTAKES WERE MADE! D: *proceeds to die over 50 times*
    5. Arystina
      I've been more-or-less absent for awhile (only logging in to keep my residences). Could someone please tell me when did Invisibility potions get banned? I accidentally started to drink one while moving items around in my shop when the message popped up.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ChespinLover77
        Been disabled longer than I've been on here so I've never bothered drinking one, but I presume with all the mini changes lately they added a message in for that so newer players don't get confused an all
        Dec 28, 2018
      3. fadedmartian
        For as long as I can remember, they've not had any effect.
        Dec 28, 2018
      4. Arystina
        Huh. I must not have ever noticed then. Now apparently I have a bunch of invis. potions and nothing to do with them. XD
        Dec 29, 2018
    6. Arystina
      Absolutely horrible. A devastating fire currently burning in my state. It completely destroyed an entire town that was home to roughly 27,000 people, and it's still spreading. Hundreds of people unaccounted for. ;_; Prayers to all who live in the area. Stay safe!
      1. SoulPunisher
        Poor Paradise.

        I can't imagine it. Just... An entire town. Gone. Wiped off the map. It's crazy.
        Nov 9, 2018
    7. Arystina
      Still here. Still breathing.
      1. MoreMoople, ChespinLover77 and Roslyn like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Arystina
        True. I try to be as positive as can be in light of my current situation. As the old saying goes, 'it could always be worse.'
        Oct 16, 2018
      4. Roslyn
        I don't know what is going on for you but if you ever wanna talk about it, you can message me or even Krystal herself if you feel the need to let something out. The EMC Discord is also a great way to just get your mind away from any bad thoughts. Just engage into a conversation and it'll go somewhere you might be laughing later on about :)
        Oct 16, 2018
      5. Arystina
        Aw, thank you. ^_^
        Oct 16, 2018
    8. We3_MPO
      What happened to you? I miss you!
      1. Arystina likes this.
      2. Arystina
        Been busy with work. Also had some issues with my health, but thankfully the problem was found and I am now on the mend. Not sure when I'll be back, but I haven't forgotten EMC. Summers are just crazy busy for me.
        Jun 17, 2018
      3. We3_MPO
        I hope that soon, your health improves and you get some spare time!
        Jun 17, 2018
      4. Arystina
        Thanks! I hope so too! :)
        Jun 20, 2018
    9. We3_MPO
      /summon owl
      1. Arystina
        If only. I wish owls were a thing in Minecraft. :D
        Jan 29, 2018
    10. Arystina
      Why did I ever think that was a good idea to post about? >_<
      1. JohnKid, TomvanWijnen and JesusPower2 like this.
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      3. Mikaila
        Ive been testing it out slowly overtime to help reduce lag while we build the updates. Ive been showing less heads and squishing chests together to help just a tiny bit.
        Jan 26, 2018
      4. Arystina
        I keep my fingers crossed. ^_^
        Jan 26, 2018
      5. We3_MPO
        It is a touchy subject. But don't let others judge you just for making a thread like that, and try to have fun no matter what.
        Jan 29, 2018
    11. Arystina
      Fix one problem, two more pop up. The never ending cycle of life. Bleh.
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. We3_MPO
        How I feel this week. Except sometimes two problems pop up when I try unsuccessfully to solve one problem.
        Apr 20, 2018
    12. DorianPavus_
      Omg your profile picture is more than adorable <3
      1. JesusPower2
        Post more so I can see that birb more often. :) Very cute.
        Jan 26, 2018
    13. Arystina
      Spent the night in the hospital. How fun. Not. *crawls into bed*
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    14. We3_MPO
      Glad you're back!
      1. Arystina likes this.
      2. Arystina
        Thanks! Glad to be back.
        Mar 25, 2017
    15. We3_MPO
      Miss you!
    16. crystaldragon13
      Arystina, I don't know if I've commented on this before but I think it Every Time I See it... I so <3 the gif of dat little owl playing in the water. OMG!!! Thank you. =>
      1. ANubIsWe3 and Arystina like this.
      2. crystaldragon13
        ummm... yep. I've said something similar before .. xD just look down. lol .. but it's still so true. <3
        Jul 4, 2016
      3. Arystina
        Jul 4, 2016
    17. We3_MPO
      I really like your signature! lol
      1. Arystina likes this.
    18. Luckygreenbird
      In your signature is a moist owlette.
      1. We3_Nub and Arystina like this.
      2. Arystina
        Lmao XD
        Mar 7, 2016
    19. crystaldragon13
      I don't think I could "LIKE!!" that signature enough.. little owl takin' a dust bath. xD
      1. We3_Nub and Arystina like this.
      2. Arystina
        Heh. It is a cute little owlet. It's actually in water though. :P
        Feb 29, 2016
    20. Rhyblet
      Bah, how is your profile this empty? ;n;
      1. Arystina likes this.
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    Middle of Nowhere
    Chicken Wrangler