[IMPORTANT] Empire Update: Silence Of The Lambs!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. I would guess that they have dual Intel Xeons... most servers do.
    mba2012 likes this.
  2. Who knows - depending on how this goes - Aikar may decide at a later point that 100 IS to low; but we need to start somewhere to know where to go.
  3. Neither was I. Thats not what I was saying It should be 3 months that they should have said "In three months this will be a final thing...." and say what they might. This will allow some of us who have began making farms that are quite extravagent top the process and prepare for a 100 animal only res.

    Question for the mods. Is it double for 120X120?
  4. Not a mod :p but as of right now it is still 100, but they will more than likely bump it up to 200 (If it were my guess) since there are less residences and overall less activity on Utopia compared to the other servers.

    The question has been posed before now, but has been failed to answer ;)
  5. This may make you feel better. The highest enchanting level is NOT 50, but 30. So with 200 mobs, you can get to the max level.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  6. Oooh, i like Xeons lol. I use one in my desktop, and its wonderful. Now im interested in their speed:p
  7. Me too :) the mac pros sometimes have dual Xeons with 6 cores each :cool:
  8. Thats awesome! I have an HP Z210 though:)
  9. Then you might want to add this to your sig.
  10. I am sick of people that are hating on all these updates Aikar is rolling out for us. Seriously guys, before you post your hate posts, step back for a minute and think to yourself why this is being implemented. Odds are you will find its to make a better game-play experience on EMC.

    Also do know that Aikar is doing these out of his own time, hes not being paid for it. I do not want to see the day when Aikar says, "You know what, you ungrateful bunch in the community have done it, I am not going to do any more work on EMC!"

    Be more appreciative, you know who you are!

    Seriously, we haven't had major updates in how long?!? And now people are complaining about the updates that are essentially the ground work for the bigger updates.

    /end of rant :mad:
  11. 2 More Days Everyone!
  12. Finally! The lag was ridic. I can deal with normal lag, but the ping I was getting was akin to me trying to play on dial-up.

    Beyond off topic: Does dial-up even exist anymore?
  13. lol, yes it does - I don't have it though. It isn't quite the same as it used to be though. Especially since more and more people don't even have landlines
  14. Aaand it's in effect. Goodbye, sheep...
  15. No, not quite yet. It's just possible it can be any day now. That was just the deadline of "get to 100 while you have a chance, so your animals aren't killed!" :)
  16. Well Aikar just restarted the Servers to remove debug code - and fix something about crops.
  17. And now I can't log in.
  18. lol, it is taking a bit longer than expected... Oh well, I guess I should study my Psychology during this
  19. I should probably try to learn some HTML .. Just hang tight though, Aikar'll have it fixed soon. :p
  20. Maybe I'll go to bed, like I should...