[HIRING] 40k per wall - 200k total on utopia

Discussion in 'Player Jobs Available' started by Kryarias, May 13, 2024.

  1. Hi, I am hiring someone to help me build 5 walls, each wall is 100x106 on utopia. The wall is 2 blocks pumpkins, 1 block slime and repeat. I need 5 walls done, paying 40k per wall. Potential to make 200k. Please PM me if interested. :)
  2. Are you still looking for help? I may be able to complete it but I'd need to know when you'll be on and what the timeline is.
    Kryarias likes this.
  3. I am. I am hoping for it to be done by mid June at the latest. I should have a little free time this weekend.
  4. I should be able to get it done in that time if you'd like to hire me.
    Let me know if/when you have permissions and materials set up so that I can get started.
    One more question: the dimensions are 100x106, but which is vertical?
    Kryarias likes this.
  5. The 106 is vertical and will do. Should be free tomorrow!