1.8 Update is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, May 1, 2015.

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  1. Sorry but :oops: ---> Kind of a rant to follow..
    hmmm... amid all this picking on Aikar and push to get 1.8 out I hope everyone realizes that if he lets a few bugs get by because he's trying to hurry up so everyone will stop the moaning and complaining... those very same people will be moaning and complaining that their stuff is [ insert complaint here ] and why didn't he/staff fix that or foresee that this was bound to happen because [ insert reason here ] and what will he/staff be doing to to compensate them for their loss that was in no way their fault.

    Rant Over. Please return the normally scheduled forum posts. Thank you. *steps off soap box tucks under arm and heads back home*
  2. I am only over here joking I hope aikar takes his time and he gets all the bugs out i can wait another week for it.
    [edit] even another year cause I dont want 1.8 enchanting it is evil >.> .
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  3. Good to know:)
  4. Edit: Didn't notice there was two more pages of comments and this had already been said/responded to. 1.8 hurry up, I'm getting anxious. Also guys, you are SERIOUSLY wearing out the aikar time joke... like hard.
  5. To Aikar: I know you mentioned something about testing known issues. Here's one, not sure if you've come across it yet.

    Back when I converted my SP save from 1.7 to 1.8 I was having huge issues with items in item frames. When I would go to take the item out of the frame, the item would sometimes just vanish instead of dropping near me. At the time I wasn't too concerned as it was just random crap lol Then when I went above ground I noticed some items just floating on the ground. I tested this out a few times and sure enough, every time, the item would end up above ground.

    I only bring this up because people like to keep promos and other valuables in item frames and would hate to see them lose stuff to a passer by. I've already put all my stuff in chests just in case ;)
    georgeashington and Gawadrolt like this.
  6. I have a question when the update happens will the heads change to them being seen as people's skins I hope because I am tired of the Steve and Alex heads blah so blah lol anyways that's my question
  7. Unless blocks are force updated, you'll most likely need to break it and replace it and it should be fine.
    Byeforeverthe2nd and 607 like this.
  8. At least if they change into a skin I'll be happy lol
    Thanks for the info
    Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.
  9. that happens every update, its to be expected in the dev world. liek i said even when 1.8 comes up it will probly be taken down a few times for bug fixes over the course of a week
  10. Sorry to bug or seem like a nuisance but...

    Is there a better eta atm than 3-6th?

    Byeforeverthe2nd and bitemenow15 like this.
  11. Tomorrow is very likely unless something crops up. I am also off tomorrow but got a few things to do during the day.

    Also item frames did not appear to give any issues. Note vanilla has HUNDREDS of bugs that mojang has not fixed that CraftBukkit and Spigot has fixed.

    Also heads are fine in 1.8 but you must replace them on ground. Triggering a fix automatically would really hurt the server.
  12. so 11:59 pm tommorow then :p
  13. Don't know how I missed your post, but anyways:

    If, as Aikar said, 100r is enough for 15 enchantments (assuming not more even though he said 15+), that implies a cost of 100r/15 = 6.666r/enchantment.

    Aikar also said each enchantment was 1-3 lapis. This is an average of 2 lapis per enchantment.

    Thus, 6.666r/enchantment * 1 enchantment/2 lapis = 3.333r/lapis on average.

    As it's quite possible to sell lapis for 7r apiece reliably, this means my net worth increases by 7r - 3.333r = 3.667r for each piece of lapis I buy at this price. For 10 DCs, I would net 3.667 * 64 * 54 * 10 = 126,720r.

    Buying at 10r, on the other hand, would not make sense. I don't need 10 DCs of lapis, and it can be bought cheaper (say 8r reliably). If I needed the lapis, buying 10 DCs of lapis at 10r each would be a net loss of (10r - 8r) * 64 * 54 * 10 = 69,120r. As I don't need it, the only immediate value of the lapis to me is the reliable resale value of 7r, and my net loss is (10r - 7r) * 64 * 54 * 10 = 103,680r. The only advantage of doing this would be saving time through buying from one source if I expected the lapis price will rise significantly (increase past 10r).

    So yes, 3.333r/lapis. And no I wouldn't buy 10 DCs at 10r apiece.
  14. I was going on 1-2 baseline >_>, yes if you go to 3 lapis per enchant your not getting 15.

    point being though, its still ridiculously cheap.
  15. I'm so excited for 1.8, I hope everything works right.
    Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.
  16. I'm OK using opfine and liteloader AND forge on just 1.8.0 (there are updates for foge and opfine but not liteloader.
  17. Same I got 8 mods ready to be played with on the update
  18. Wow, I wonder how many times I've looked at the forums searching for news of 1.8 today:p
    Am I the only one?
  19. I can truthfully say you are not the only one...

    I want to have my guardian farm up in no time (even though it will take longer than it looks xD)
  20. Been refreshing ever chance I get lol
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