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May 2, 2012
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Revered Member, Male

Guess who just got a boat load of free time :P Mar 24, 2020

supereskimo was last seen:
May 18, 2024
    1. AlexC__
      10/10 meme
      1. supereskimo likes this.
      2. supereskimo
        Thanks haha. I was waiting for an excuse to use it, but changed my mind after reading the post right before mine.
        Mar 30, 2020
    2. supereskimo
      Guess who just got a boat load of free time :P
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Time to pull out all those books/movies/shows you've been meaning to look at... ;) (And then spend a lot of time on EMC!)
        Mar 24, 2020
      3. supereskimo
        Excellent call. Time to finally finish Dune :)
        Mar 24, 2020
      4. 607
        You? :o
        Mar 25, 2020
    3. Roslyn
      See you Space Cowboy...
    4. Hashhog
      *poke* How are things? :)
      1. supereskimo likes this.
      2. supereskimo
        Thanks for asking! I've been busy with grad school applications, but now that that's settled down I've had more time for Minecraft, so I decided to see what's new on EMC. Looks like it's still going pretty strong!
        Jan 22, 2017
      3. Hashhog
        Awesome to hear, good luck with the applications!

        Yeah, EMC's been doing pretty well, though it's tough without our favorite map artist, of course, haha.
        Jan 22, 2017
    5. supereskimo
      1. Hashhog and 607 like this.
      2. The_Boulder
        excuse you
        May 20, 2016
      3. supereskimo
        Thank you.
        May 20, 2016
    6. Uber_Corq
      Happy 1000th day!
      1. supereskimo likes this.
      2. supereskimo
        Oh wow, totally missed that, but thank you!
        Feb 2, 2015
    7. supereskimo
      To the few of you who've been randomly following me... I'm back! Read this thread for more info and free rupees!
      1. penfoldex likes this.
    8. Caeyde
      I'm glad I just saw you in my follower list c: How's it going? n.n I havent seen you around for ages!
      1. 607 likes this.
      2. supereskimo
        Honestly I don't plan to be on very often, since I've been pretty busy with work and college. I do like to check up on how the community's doing every once in a while, though.
        Nov 1, 2014
      3. Caeyde
        Fair enough, gaming shouldn't be a priority anyways. I'm happy you haven't left though
        Nov 1, 2014
    9. Uber_Corq
      Your smp2 4500 potion shop is going to reach derelict status in three minutes... :S

      Edit: It went derelict, but I voted for you, and now the countdown's been reset back to 30 days. :D Maybe you've quit EMC and this doesn't matter to you, but I just didn't want a res like that to get deleted. Anyway, good luck to you!
      1. AliceF3 likes this.
      2. supereskimo
        Thanks for letting me know! I wouldn't say I've quit... but I don't plan to be on much. I would like to try and keep the potion store open as long as I can, though! I'm going to restock it asap!
        Sep 3, 2014
      3. Uber_Corq
        Well I'm glad I could help, although seeing as how I sell potions in my shop as well, maybe saving a big competitor shop wasn't the smartest choice... :P
        Sep 3, 2014
      4. supereskimo
        You shouldn't have to worry. Today I only sold 27r worth of potions, and the last ones I sold before that were like a month ago haha.
        Sep 4, 2014
    10. supereskimo
      I know it's been a while since I've done anything on here, but I have some time off of work, so I'll try and finish the Sassy Smooch map!
      1. AliceF3, Mirr0rr and AlexChance like this.
      2. iSmooch
        I MAY be biased.... but yay ^-^
        Jun 30, 2014
      3. supereskimo
        Dude, you're awesome. Thanks for being such a good sport... about everything, really.
        Jun 30, 2014
    11. Lukas3226
      Saw you made a map art on smp1 on the forums. Are you displaying and/or selling it anywhere? :)
      Also how's the Sassy Smooch map going?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. supereskimo
        Actually, I don't think I can give you a copy of the one on smp1 because I don't have one. If you find someone who does have one, though, you can ask them.
        May 25, 2014
      3. Lukas3226
        Hm okay. Know anyone who could possible have a copy of the map? Anyway, thanks :)
        May 26, 2014
      4. supereskimo
        I'd say to try aCookieGod, but he's no longer playing... If I find someone with a copy, I'll tell you.
        May 26, 2014
    12. Envie42
      Thanks for the nice message on my page! Are you out in the frontier on smp9 too? Stoneguard and Volt could sure use some more folks out that way!
      1. supereskimo likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Envie42
        I think you should return! It's very quiet and peaceful and there are sooo many empty houses or plots that need houses! Even if it were just a little 'vacation' spot you visited from time to time, would be great. :)
        Apr 20, 2014
      4. supereskimo
        Alright, I'll head out there some time in the next couple weeks. I don't think I've gotten to see Volt or Estona yet - they were pretty new when I left. See you then!
        Apr 20, 2014
      5. Envie42
        Apr 20, 2014
    13. supereskimo
      The feeling after finishing a good TV series is so unique but so strong. Maybe I shouldn't have watched all 25 episodes of SAO in 2 days :P
      1. mba2012, Olaf_C and minanela3 like this.
      2. mba2012
        Don't worry, I watched the entire series of Broadchurch twice over two plane flights :P
        May 25, 2014
    14. pat2011
      An even 1,000 posts, congrats.
      1. Olaf_C and supereskimo like this.
      2. supereskimo
        Thanks :) I'm not really sure what to do now that I've gotten 118 trophy points...
        Jan 11, 2014
      1. supereskimo
        Howdy, and thanks for the follow :)
        Dec 16, 2013
    15. bitemenow15
      do you still make custom maps? if so i might commission you to make some renaissance art
      1. supereskimo
        I'm busy until Wednesday, but now that 1.7 has come out, I will definitely consider it. PM me the details, and I'll see whether I can help or not :)
        Dec 16, 2013
    16. supereskimo
      Thanks to everyone who's followed me recently :)
      1. Olaf_C and AliceF3 like this.
      2. CoolCal14
        I don't follow.
        Dec 10, 2013
    17. Caeyde
      gg, both of those battles were up to alot of luck but at least we both got a win :P
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Caeyde
        Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I'd like a re-re-rematch some time though :P
        Oct 29, 2013
      3. supereskimo
        Alight, I'll try to improve my team :)
        Oct 29, 2013
      4. Caeyde
        I think your team is great, it really was down to the wire and bad luck on my part for the first one
        Oct 29, 2013
    18. Olaf_C
      do you make maps upon request?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Olaf_C
        Even for a large about of money ;)
        Oct 14, 2013
      3. supereskimo
        I probably can't make the map for you, but I can show you what it would look like. What kind of map would you want?
        Oct 14, 2013
      4. Olaf_C
        I own a Jimmy Hendrix map, 2 of them.
        Oct 14, 2013
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