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Jun 2, 2024 at 3:51 AM
Jan 5, 2013
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Amersfoort, the Netherlands

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Ruby Forum Member, Male, from Amersfoort, the Netherlands

Don't forget to join the Piwi Day giveaway if you didn't win before! ;) https://empireminecraft.com/threads/piwi-day-2024-year-of-knitting-piwi.87705 May 27, 2024

607 was last seen:
Jun 2, 2024 at 3:51 AM
    1. 607
      Over the holidays I'm spending one hour cleaning up my bedroom in my parental home every day!
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
    2. 607
      I have an exam today in the cruise ship passenger terminal of Amsterdam. :/
      1. farmerguyson and We3_MPO like this.
      2. We3_MPO
        Good luck!
        Dec 20, 2022
      3. farmerguyson
        That sounds like a true test of your ability to focus. Good luck!

        I would be focused on watching the ships come and go.
        Dec 20, 2022
      4. 607
        It was a great venue, actually! Quite easy to get to by public transit, too.
        There were no ships or other people (except security) there, by the way. Which is unsurprising I guess, considering that it's winter.
        Dec 23, 2022
    3. 607
      It took me four months to realise it was not my phone's camera lens, but my phone's cover, that had a crack. And I had a spare!
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    4. 607
      I am enjoying a lot. :)
    5. 607
      On the day itself, I didn't get why my mother was so particular about taking a picture of me after my graduation... but now I'm glad to have got it. :) emc.gs/p/1621179
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. KatydidBuild
        And now you know why it's done ;)
        Relax and let it happen kids.
        Nov 27, 2022
    6. 607
      Less than a week after singing in a choir with other alumni of my gap year school, I started rehearsing with the student's association for the Christmas choir! It's fun to sing polyphonically regularly again. :)
    7. 607
      Tonight I dreamt my pc booted into Windows Vista instead of Windows 11.
      1. unixbrain, McAwesome_09 and triphora like this.
      2. McAwesome_09
        brooooo I have an old hardrive with a windows vista copy in it, might take a look at it now that you've reminded me
        Nov 8, 2022
      3. 607
        I've never had Vista, actually. I used it at my grandmother's a few times, though. Personally, I went from 98, to XP, to 7, to 10 (and now 11 on my laptop).
        Nov 13, 2022
    8. 607
      Around half a year after hitting vote bonus 1980, I finally hit vote bonus 2000!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. triphora
        2000!. Accidental factorial. :P Congrats anyway!
        Oct 12, 2022
      3. 607
        Ah, I should've known!
        Oct 12, 2022
      4. TomvanWijnen
        Nice! :D
        Oct 13, 2022
    9. 607
      I'm usually okay with being sick for a day or two... but when half a week has passed I'm getting fed up with it. :/
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. 607
        I find it hard to rest and recover, though. I want to be productive, do fun stuff, and engage with others!
        Oct 5, 2022
    10. 607
      The 'start weekend' from my student's association was great. :D I really enjoyed seeing so many new members (over 50!), and getting to know some of them. I also got installed as kring leader... but afaik there's no English term for kring? A Bible study group, basically. :)
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    11. 607
      Installing Linux... Hey, I reached 28,000 posts. :)
      1. triphora
        Both good things!
        Sep 7, 2022
      2. Joy_the_Miner
        I'm happy for you 607, you'll love Linux. Imagine an OS without any of the issues that plagues Windows~
        Oct 4, 2022
      3. 607
        I've been using it very rarely, actually. Only when I need to use it for uni or when I forget to pick Windows on startup. :P
        Oct 5, 2022
    12. 607
      On Wednesday I went to Amsterdam, on Thursday I went to Utrecht to teach my last class, on Friday I went to Alphen a/d Rijn to play Super Mario Kart (I was on tv), on Saturday I went to RetroGameConZwolle and today (Sunday) I went to my grandmother's 80th birthday. I am tired!
      1. Equinox_Boss, We3_MPO and Will_McNab like this.
      2. SoulPunisher
        mr worldwide 😎
        Aug 28, 2022
      3. 607
        Nation-wide, rather. :P
        Aug 29, 2022
    13. 607
      Not sure if it is realistic to reach 32768 posts anymore... (new players almost certainly couldn't do it, I'm talking about myself)
      1. Equinox_Boss and We3_MPO like this.
      2. AncientTower
        I think you have it in you to post 4,819 more times. If you can dream it, then you can do it. Best of luck.
        Aug 11, 2022
      3. 607
        So far I'm not sure if I could dream it, Tower! I rarely dream of EMC anymore anyway.
        Aug 14, 2022
    14. 607
      Huh, I see a variant of the maze is back for the tutorial, I had not expected that. :D
      1. Equinox_Boss and We3_MPO like this.
      2. ultipig
        it’s been like that for years
        Aug 8, 2022
      3. 607
        I thought so!
        Aug 9, 2022
    15. 607
      In case you were wondering why I haven't been posting... I'm on vacation in Luxembourg with my family. :)
      1. Equinox_Boss and We3_MPO like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 607
        I did have fun! I got back on Sunday.
        Aug 9, 2022
      4. We3_MPO
        I'm glad you did! Western Europe has a lot of cool little countries!
        Aug 9, 2022
      5. 607
        It does. Almost all tourists in Luxembourg are Dutch, though. :P
        Aug 9, 2022
    16. aletrisrex
      the cool guy, who likes postive. i like it.
      1. Equinox_Boss, We3_MPO and 607 like this.
      2. 607
        Thank you. Sometimes I forget positivity and post egoistically instead. I try to remember to post for the good of the other, however.
        Aug 8, 2022
    17. 607
      Wow, the US dollar is worth more than the Euro, at the moment!
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. PetezzaDawg
        How is burger coin beating us
        Jul 19, 2022
    18. 607
      Hm. The second reader says my thesis isn't a thesis. That's awkward. :/
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    19. 607
      Two long ads in the middle of a short video? This seems problematic, YouTube.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    20. Tuqueque
      Do you still have the Find the Piwi thread? -like are you active in it?
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. 607
        Find the Piwi? I do not know what that is.
        Jul 16, 2022
      3. Tuqueque
        Jul 16, 2022
      4. 607
        I figured you might mean that, sorry I didn't suggest it. :P I don't think you're the first to have this memory mistaken.
        I'll post another picture!
        ... although actually, if I do it now you'll have a big advantage, perhaps... I'll try to remember to do it tomorrow, so that others have a chance of seeing it too before someone guesses it. :P
        Jul 16, 2022
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    [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]β€œThe LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’ Numbers 6:24-26


    Home page:
    Amersfoort, the Netherlands
    I make my own signatures these days. :)


    Google Talk:
    607.filler@gmail.com (Google Talk doesn't exist anymore but this is my address)