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Jun 2, 2024 at 3:51 AM
Jan 5, 2013
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Amersfoort, the Netherlands

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Ruby Forum Member, Male, from Amersfoort, the Netherlands

Don't forget to join the Piwi Day giveaway if you didn't win before! ;) https://empireminecraft.com/threads/piwi-day-2024-year-of-knitting-piwi.87705 May 27, 2024

607 was last seen:
Jun 2, 2024 at 3:51 AM
    1. PetezzaDawg
      What is the story behind your collection of pots of gold?
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. 607
        I bought 32 of them for some reason, and decided to auction one off every month. Then I wanted to keep the tradition going when they were running out, and had to buy them off other people. When they were rereleased in /shopworld, I got a bunch more.
        Jul 10, 2022
      3. PetezzaDawg
        Oh, so it's just some random tradition. I thought there was some weird significance behind it
        Jul 10, 2022
      4. 607
        Nope. It just happened. :P
        Jul 10, 2022
    2. 607
      I submitted my thesis and had a great closing weekend with my student's association; time for vacation. :)
      1. Equinox_Boss and DWmom like this.
      2. DWmom
        Congrats on the thesis! That's a huge accomplishment!!
        Jul 5, 2022
      3. 607
        It is! Only my Bachelor's thesis, though. ;)
        Jul 6, 2022
      4. DWmom
        Pshht *only.* Don't minimize your triumphs! :D
        Jul 6, 2022
    3. 607
      Paint 3D isn't included with Windows 11! xD (It does have a new version of mspaint.)
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    4. 607
      Wait, are washing mitts not used in the USA?
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. MoreMoople
        Ohh, interesting. I use a washcloth every time I shower, but it's not connected like that.
        Jun 21, 2022
      4. 607
        Yeah, I did look a bit further into it and found out about washcloths. I still find it hard to imagine. :P Maybe I'll try using one with my hand on the outside once, to see how easy or awkward it is. :P
        Jun 22, 2022
      5. 607
        @Ulti: According to Wikipedia, 'Washing mitts are mostly used in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Iran and Korea.'
        Jun 22, 2022
    5. 607
      I went to my student's association's prom and had a good time. :) I even managed to dance. Unfortunately my date didn't dance so much, because she hadn't slept a lot the previous night, and the loud music discomforted her. We still had fun together. :)
      1. Equinox_Boss and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        That sounds like a lot of fun! I'm glad you were able to go. :)
        Jun 19, 2022
      3. 607
        Maybe I'll be able to share a picture on the Show Yourself later, we'll see.
        Jun 19, 2022
    6. 607
      I wonder if I'll ever make vote bonus 2000. :P
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. TomvanWijnen
        I remember being slightly behind you on voting, and slowly creeping closer. :P Seems like things have changed now, as I'm already at 2424 -- I always vote once per day. :P
        Jun 16, 2022
      3. 607
        I always vote when I 'do' EMC; which I used to do daily, but don't anymore by a long shot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
        Jun 19, 2022
      4. TomvanWijnen
        Ah. :P Yeah I always vote every evening, I still have two alarms set daily to remind me to do so. :P
        Jun 19, 2022
    7. 607
      EMC is pretty active at the moment, and I'm behind. :( I have a lot of other things to do, though (today, for example, working on my thesis, layouting an article, and watching The Two Towers), and don't have catching up as a very high priority. :/
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. aletrisrex
        depend.. in other forums i got 2-3 message everyday i check widith 5-10 min... Also i'm sure i just spent my time into forums is bit too much.
        Jun 11, 2022
    8. 607
      I've done a lap of the Bible since I started making my signatures. I wonder if I should go through it again, making sure not to use the same verses, go through it again, not bothering about whether I use the same verses, or stop doing it at all? I'm not going to reuse old ones.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ToddV
        Do what your heart leads you to do. There is always a battle between the heart and the mind. Logic over emotion. Emotion over logic. Even if what you do changes ONLY one person, then it was worth the effort on your part.
        Jun 5, 2022
      4. 607
        Thanks for the reply.
        Jun 6, 2022
      5. ToddV
        any time
        Jun 6, 2022
    9. 607
      I find it sad that you can't get the links to YouTube ads to comment on them (or even just rewatch them) anymore.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    10. 607
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    11. 607
      My laptop was practically unrepairable, so I bought it anew. As a consequence, however, I now have Windows 11. We'll see how that goes...
      1. Equinox_Boss and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. Nickblockmaster
        When Windows 10 was released I was very skeptical but it’s grown on me since then. I don’t like it as much as Windows 8.1, but it’s better than I use to think. I am curious to know what you think about Windows 11 after you’ve given it a fair trial.
        May 25, 2022
      3. 607
        You can't drag anything to a program on the taskbar to put that program into focus in the current version of Windows 11, which is inconvenient. Other than that I haven't had any issues yet.
        May 31, 2022
      4. 607
        Well, there are actually quite a few other annoyances. But I don't think it's as bad as ME, Vista or 8, although I haven't used either of those a lot so I guess I wouldn't know. :P
        Jun 5, 2022
    12. Palmsugar
      boo! xD
      1. Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
      2. 607
        *gasp*! :o
        May 24, 2022
    13. 607
      I have theatre rehearsals all weekend, and then one performance each evening from Monday to Wednesday! Very fun and exciting, but wow, I'm sure I will be tired after this!
      1. farmerguyson
        Sounds like you are in for a fun time. Good luck. 🙂
        May 21, 2022
      2. 607
        Thank you, farmerguyson!
        May 22, 2022
    14. 607
      I just did something I hadn't done before: threw a cup of water (with medication in it) over my laptop. My reflexes weren't great: I first paused YouTube and Twitch, and then shut down the pc through the start menu, rather than holding the power button. I've removed the battery.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
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      3. 607
        Me too! I'm praying that it will work again when I have reassembled it tomorrow.
        May 8, 2022
      4. Nickblockmaster
        Ah sheetz, I hope it survived the unfortunate splashing of incompatible liquids. Only so much you can do with that. 😔 Best of outcome to ya!
        May 9, 2022
      5. 607
        Nope, it did not, unfortunately! Quite tricky.
        May 14, 2022
    15. 607
      I am baptised. :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 607
        Thank you!
        I wanted to post a picture on the Show Yourself, but they don't look great, me being quite wet. :P
        May 5, 2022
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Congrats! That’s great to see!!!
        May 5, 2022
      4. 607
        Thanks, Nick!
        May 6, 2022
    16. 607
      Writing my CV... I would definitely admit myself, after reading this. :P
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    17. 607
      One alert, after over 12 hours. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      1. View previous comments...
      2. aletrisrex
        Sometime i've 1-2 alerts but if i partcipate more, i would have 3-8 alert depend on how much i post it
        Apr 23, 2022
      3. 607
        I got over 20 now, that's better! :D
        Apr 23, 2022
      4. 607
        And I'm sorry for my whining. :P
        Apr 23, 2022
    18. 607
      Wow, I've never seen the Auctions section so empty!
      1. Equinox_Boss and padde73 like this.
    19. BenCannoli
      We meet again, old friend.

      I thought you'd like to know me and DarkSniper2000 kept in touch all these years. He moved out of his parents' house and moved in with his girlfriend. They are both working on a Marketing Agency.

      I hope you're doing well. Many hugs for you, fren. :)
      1. Equinox_Boss, FadedMartian and 607 like this.
      2. 607
        Okay, you changed your name. I was really confused that I got this message from someone whose name did not ring a bell. :P
        The other name you mention does not ring a bell either, though...
        Cool to see you again!
        Mar 25, 2022
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  • Signature

    [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’ Numbers 6:24-26


    Home page:
    Amersfoort, the Netherlands
    I make my own signatures these days. :)


    Google Talk:
    607.filler@gmail.com (Google Talk doesn't exist anymore but this is my address)