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May 17, 2024
Sep 5, 2012
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Revered Member, Male, from Colorado

life has been chaotic since I had the pc issues, but after this week everything should slow down until august :p May 8, 2022

HxCami10 was last seen:
May 17, 2024
    1. MattieTheSpud
    2. HxCami10
      life has been chaotic since I had the pc issues, but after this week everything should slow down until august :p
      1. jewel_king and MoreMoople like this.
    3. HxCami10
      This birthday has my back hurting, and feels slightly dirty... here's to my 30s!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. HxCami10
        Thank you moops!
        Apr 29, 2022
      3. farmerguyson
        Happy birthday!
        Apr 30, 2022
      4. HxCami10
        Thank you farmer!
        Apr 30, 2022
    4. HxCami10
      So haven't figured out a way to restore my pc, but I found 90% of my stuff on that drive scstted throughout my backup external. I decided to just move stuff over one by one and just move forward!
      1. Nickblockmaster and MoreMoople like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. HxCami10
        I think the only thing that I lost that I was upset about was everything in my minecraft app data folder. I found a copy of my screenshots but everything else was gone. And did this process work on a ssd?
        Apr 27, 2022
      4. Nickblockmaster
        Hey man sorry I had a busy day, otherwise I would’ve answered sooner. The crystal clear answer is I don’t know. 🤷‍♂️ Both times I was running high risk with nearly dead hard drives and saving to an external ssd.
        Apr 27, 2022
      5. Nickblockmaster
        It may work, it may not and the honest to God truth is, even if you used what I used, all the same stuff, there’s still no way I could guarantee it would work. But I’d say it increases your chances significantly. I can send you what I use and what I do to get from point A to point B. It’s just a suggestion if you decide you want to give it a try. I’ll send it all over as soon as I can!
        Apr 27, 2022
    5. HxCami10
      Rought night last night. Boot drive on main PC outright crashed and failed (never seen it from a ssd) installed new ssd, new win10 and now my external backup drive doesn't want to restore my file history. Might of lost everything on that drive. :/
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MoreMoople
        Oh no! :( My ssd died about four months after I got my current laptop and I was unable to recover anything. I hope that you are able to get your stuff back!
        Apr 26, 2022
      3. khixan
        ouch :(
        Apr 26, 2022
      4. HxCami10
        so by the looks of it, the drive was saved on my external backup, but I cannot for the life of me get it to restore on my pc. May have to get on with Seagate tech support when I get off work
        Apr 26, 2022
    6. HxCami10
      I really need to get in gear and plan this parry if I want it done by August! 10 year anniversary means 10 different events/games to do! Anyone have suggestions?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. khixan
        The Dirt Build Challenge. You have 1 hour (or 30 minutes - pick a time) and plenty of dirt blocks. Build the best you can with just dirt and a stack of scaffolding (scaffolding must be removed).

        The Ice Boat Race is always a great classic.
        Apr 23, 2022
      3. khixan
        Lead an animal into a hole (like a sheep or cow with hay). This one can get surprisingly hilarious especially if you do it with teams and an obstacle course, and allow the teams to try and distract the other team's animal LOL.
        Apr 23, 2022
      4. HxCami10
        Thank you Khix! Those are awesome suggestions and I will add them to the list!
        Apr 23, 2022
    7. HxCami10
      I think I can safely say that I've fully immersed myself back into EMC and I'm back for the longhaul now since it's been almost 2 months. Now the big thing is to start planning a anniversary party! Even though I was gone for a while 10 years is still a big one :D
      1. MoreMoople
        Woohoooo!! Great to have you around again :D
        Apr 17, 2022
    8. HxCami10
      Its Wednesday my dudes. AhhHHHhhhh!
      1. wafflecoffee, MoreMoople and Sefl like this.
    9. DrasLeona247
      My long lost uncle I never knew existed
      1. HxCami10
        Hello there nephew. Hope you're taking care of those promos i gave you, they will be worth something in a few years!
        Apr 4, 2022
    10. MoreMoople
      Not sure why I wasn't following you! Fixed :)
      1. HxCami10
        Ayyy! Whoot whoot!
        Apr 2, 2022
    11. HxCami10
      Ya know, even though a lot of my old friends aren't active on EMC anymore, I am having fun again and I have already met some awesome people in the couple weeks I've been back! I am happy to see that there are people still here that were playing when I went on hiatus too!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nickblockmaster
        My main focus is more on private projects nowadays, but if you ever want someone to chat with, I’m around! I’ve known about you since long before your staff days, but I don’t recall a time when we might’ve hung out. Maybe we can eventually man. It was good to see a returning familiar player.
        Mar 31, 2022
      3. HxCami10
        Thank you guys for the welcome!
        Moops - Its been good to be around again, and its been good seeing you take a bigger role in the community! Well deserved!

        Farmer- It is a fantastic community. the only Minecraft community i dove into.

        Nick- That sounds like a deal! I am rebuilding my shop rn, but i've been thinking about wheeling my buddy back on and starting a frontier base!
        Mar 31, 2022
      4. Nickblockmaster
        It sounds to me like you've got the right recipe for a good time! :D
        Mar 31, 2022
    12. liamwill
      Ermmm, who do you think you are? I need you to join and help me! I'm missing Camiiii...
    13. MoreMoople
      *pokes Cami* How've you been? :D
      1. Will_McNab likes this.
    14. HxCami10
      First time being involved in the annual inventory at work. Bring on counting fishing lures!
      1. ItsMeWolffpack and FadedMartian like this.
    15. HxCami10
      Need some help with the new bosses? Come pick up some notch, or enchanted Golden apples for only 1.5K a piece! Come to SMP8 /v HxCami10 and get them while they last
    16. HxCami10
      I love you all.
      1. top_benny, Jadziaa, Eviltoade and 9 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Eviltoade
        Miss you! love you!
        Jul 3, 2018
      4. JohnKid
        We love you too! And miss you!
        Jul 3, 2018
      5. SkeleTin007
        I hope one day you will be back we all miss you lots
        Jul 11, 2018
    17. We3_MPO
      Follow! >:D Received!
    18. HxCami10
      Happy New year everyone, I hope everyone has a great night and year! I miss you all and can't wait to be back in full force
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    19. HxCami10
    20. HxCami10
      mixer.com/hxcami10 << Come watch me lose horribly and have some chuckles
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