Jan 16, 2012
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Austin, Texas
Lab Supervisor

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Silver Forum Member
, Female, from Austin, Texas

RIP Bernard Cribbins :,( Jul 28, 2022

  • Warning: Inactive Staff This Staff member is currently inactive, but will return as soon as they can.
    Please do not PM them for help, and instead PM another staff member.

    If you need a ban appeal, please PM Admins.

    To appeal a ban, click here. Do not post on staff profiles about it.

    1. Krysyy
      Almost back to internet. Will be on in a bit to answer any messages.
    2. Krysyy
      Come and hang at our mini-village and continue to grow it with us tonight!
    3. Krysyy
      Plumbing and plywood hopefully in place tomorrow. The end is in sight for those dreadful monthly rent checks =)
    4. CDHO54321
      Hi Kryssy, it’s been 3 months since your last reply to my query.
    5. Krysyy
      The destruction process is finally done and we started the prep for the construction! Wood prices are killing us, but my little tiny home will be a dream when complete. So while I can barely walk currently, it will be worth it where are the pain killers? XD
      1. View previous comments...
      2. farmerguyson
        My first thought while reading your comment on wood prices killing you was to hop in game and mail you a bunch of oak logs then the old brain started and realized your talking irl.
        Jun 14, 2021
      3. Joy_the_Miner
        I'm glad that all is going well so far! :D
        Jun 14, 2021
      4. crystaldragon13
        omg farmerguyson! Just seeing this and can SOI relate. Made me actually lol irl. Good to know I'm not the only other brained person here. xD
        Jul 27, 2021
    6. Krysyy
      Life update: New car (already has a crack in the windshield), old car totaled and picked up by insurance company, grandma still in hospice with no updates (but we can visit again), house build project in progress (move in July), started new job FINALLY so time stable by mid-June.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crystaldragon13
        Sounds like things are starting to come together for ya. Woot! .. good that y'all can at least visit grandma.
        Jun 3, 2021
      3. fadedmartian
        oo lots of change! what new car did you get? what do you do for a living now?
        Jun 3, 2021
      4. Krysyy
        Just now seeing there was a question here...VW Atlas Cross Sport (family friend owns a dealership), and I'm the Team Lead of the Quality Assurance team for a microbial testing facility. =)
        Jun 13, 2021
    7. Krysyy
      Thanks everyone for the thoughts at this time. Grandma was released, then went back in to the hospital a day later. Hoping for some stability with her health soon and the doctor is optimistic about it. In other news, waiting to see if car is totaled after that crazy hail storm.
      1. liamwill likes this.
    8. Krysyy
      Grandma's surgery was unsuccessful, so they need to do a different one first. Then try again...I hate just waiting for news.
      1. CarFryer
        I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you're both okay!
        Apr 15, 2021
      2. luckycordel
        I wish y'all the best!
        Apr 15, 2021
    9. Krysyy
      Sorry for the MIA recently. Grandma has been in the hospital and it's been a constant battle for communication from family & docs. The good news is that we moved her to a hospital near me where she can get the treatment she needs.
      1. CliffCraft likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. MoreMoople
        Keeping your family in my thoughts. I hope the treatment works well. Always here if you need someone to talk to. <3
        Apr 14, 2021
      4. khixan
        Apr 14, 2021
      5. Krysyy
        I did get to see her for the first time in over a year. It was hard because she doesn't remember me, but she knows about the twins so at least she's getting little details.
        Apr 14, 2021
    10. Krysyy
      He didn't quite make it to 100, but he made it a LONG way. RIP Prince Philip.
      1. Nickblockmaster
        Rip Prince Philip
        Apr 10, 2021
    11. CDHO54321
      Happy Easter - sent a pm
    12. Krysyy
      In Nashville for the weekend. Mostly in my phone, so let me know if you need something. (Will move countdown off when I get back to the hotel, phone doesn't let me).
    13. Krysyy
      Most amazing show yourself post coming as soon as I get this pic uploaded =)
      1. luckycordel and SkeleTin007 like this.
      2. SkeleTin007
        Your nieces look so gorgeous :)
        Mar 24, 2021
    14. Gaming_Comander
      1. CarFryer likes this.
    15. Krysyy
      I can FINALLY post publicly. My twin nieces were born early on March 1st AND they got to finally come home yesterday!!!<3<3
      1. Kryarias, __Devil_, Bonditt and 4 others like this.
      2. farmerguyson
        That's awesome. Now to wait about 8 years to introduce them to Empire Minecraft.
        Mar 22, 2021
      3. Gaming_Comander
        Aww babies!
        Mar 22, 2021
      4. CliffCraft
        Yay!!! Congratulations!!!
        Mar 23, 2021
    16. Krysyy
      New skin FINALLY! Pending an avatar drawing, so enjoy the temporary Novaskin one.
      1. SkeleTin007
        Looks amazing!!!
        Mar 20, 2021
    17. CDHO54321
      I haven't had a reply to multiple messages from over a month ago from you?
      1. Krysyy
        I do not discuss ban appeals on my profile page. Please see pms this afternoon.
        Mar 11, 2021
      2. CDHO54321
        Thanks please see mine
        Mar 26, 2021
    18. Krysyy
      I don't think anyone could have predicted how bad that winter storm would be. Glad to have power and warm water again. I'll be visiting those share the love boxes soon.
      1. khixan, OriginalScuf and luckycordel like this.
      2. luckycordel
        Glad to hear you're okay now! :)
        Feb 20, 2021
    19. Krysyy
      Last day to enter the Share the Love event!!!
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    Austin, Texas
    Lab Supervisor
    I've had the joy to be a member of Empire Minecraft for over 6 years, and a staff member for a good 4+ and going.

    I have 2 large fur babies that I love dearly: Zara and Zoboomafoo (Zaboo). They are a Great Pyrenees and Great Pyrenees mix, respectfully, and love their cuddle time.

    Unfortunately, I cannot play EMC all day and do have to actually pay the bills, so I have what you call a full-time job :eek:*shocker*. I'm a Lab Supervisor at a medical clinic in heart of the great state of Texas. :cool:

    I am a HUGE fan of Doctor Who, so if you ever want to talk about it, just shoot me a message. If you send me spoilers for an episode, without clarifying that I've seen it first, I will not be a happy camper, so please don't.:mad:

    That's really about all I have to say...
    If you haven't yet, make sure you read the rules and always follow them. It makes me happy and everyone likes a happy Krysyy!:D