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Jun 2, 2024 at 11:10 PM
May 30, 2014
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, Male, from Under the Sea

You've been on the Empire Minecraft forums for 10 years! You're obviously a Time Lord! May 30, 2024 at 1:21 PM

Sefl was last seen:
Jun 2, 2024 at 11:10 PM
    1. Sefl
      Honestly sick of seeing all the "GO Vote" I didn't vote and I'm proud to have not voted Just because you *can* vote doesn't mean you *should* vote. Post is Prob getting deleted or edited but like don't like either candidate so yall can stop reminding me that i suck so ya
      1. BenMA and Joy_the_Miner like this.
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      3. SoulPunisher
        A spoiled ballot is better than no ballot if you don’t like either candidate.
        Nov 3, 2020
      4. Lukas3226
        Encourage to vote is not a political issue IMO. Saying "Go vote x", that would be.
        When you thing you should not have a say who leads the decisions of how your country is run, that's okay. I myself like to think that I have an influence on my political representiteves.
        Nov 4, 2020
      5. McAwesome_09
        Bro its fine I didn't vote because someone burned down where you went to vote and i didnt feel like driving like an hour so I didnt
        Nov 5, 2020
    2. Sefl
      1. DaybreakerMC likes this.
    3. triphora
      if everyone else is asking ;P
    4. DaddyDNon
      y u no fllw me sefl?
      1. DaddyDNon
        lol you can follow my main now XD
        Oct 27, 2020
    5. fadedmartian
      follow me back, dammit :(
    6. Joy_the_Miner
      Do what you think is right. If you feel like leaving, do it. Personal life affairs and happiness is much more important than playing a simple computer game.
    7. FalloutHood55
      Hey Sefl, just want to ask if you’re okay? I saw your most recent post about the stream team and getting booted and your status updates. I just want to ask because I somehow know u.
      1. Joy_the_Miner likes this.
    8. fadedmartian
      dam it sef follow faded back >;)
    9. sivaDtasivaD
      They're coming.
    10. Sefl
      1,250 posts o.o I'm a journalist now?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MoreMoople
        Congrats :)
        Sep 7, 2020
      3. Smooshed_Potato
        Sep 7, 2020
      4. Joy_the_Miner
        Ooooh! Congratulations my guy! :D
        Sep 8, 2020
    11. Sefl
      Gonna be "that person" but as a huge Green Day fan... can we all take a moment to try and end the trend of "it's September... wake me up when it ends" kinda thing cause the song is quite serious and about the death of his father ;-; that is all rant over >.<
      1. ShyguytheGamer1
        Yeah I agree with this. I hate that joke of waking up when september ends. I prefer to be woken up before you go go, but I also like being woken up inside.
        Sep 1, 2020
    12. Sefl
      That moment... your favorite "Country Singer / Rapper" comes out of the closet.... as a NERD.... IM SO HAPPY lmao! I doubt anyone else here listens or watches Ryan Upchurch... but he recently made videos his Pokemon Card collection and opened a rare box o-o (Videos have cussing!)
    13. HeyitsmeJC
      Hey Sefl Wondering how long server restart takes am I wasting time waiting or will it be soon? Thanks!
    14. sonicol
      1. Sefl likes this.
      2. Sefl
        Aug 16, 2020
    15. Sefl
      Since the March 24th Update I've no added an additional 246 Hours of In game time on my main account O.o that's only 2 hours a day "only" I had 4.41 Hours a day average before. I knew i hadn't been playing as much but my time is cut that much. Currently sitting on 8,771hours
      1. Will_McNab likes this.
      2. Sefl
        Im also at 9,146,361 jumps across EMC
        Jul 24, 2020
    16. Sefl
      Can't comment on colepuncher's status... so let's hope he sees this xD O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 500 is also today! My favorite driver(s) no longer race... so... go whoever wins! rofl
      1. colepuncher
        I wasn't watching the race, too tired out from F1 but apparently Dillon took a win so it can't have been that exciting lol
        Jul 19, 2020
      2. Sefl
        haha, yep, best part of the race was the big pile up looked a lot like the 2010 one... texas has become a semi-boring track
        Jul 19, 2020
    17. Sefl
      Why mute the bullies when you can censor the victims! EMC in a nutshell...
      1. BenMA and Kasmaa like this.
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      3. Hashhog
        Everyone has their legitimate, unique triggers, but we don't have it in our power to ban chat altogether. That would be silly. We do, however, have the ability to pick out these few topics that are likely to strike nerves among many, MANY people (or that are just inappropriate for young children). Hence why we have the rules.
        Jul 17, 2020
      4. Hashhog
        You are welcome to disagree with us on what we name too inappropriate or too inflammatory for chat, but regardless, that has nothing to do with censoring victims or choosing not to mute bullies. Asking you not to talk about COVID politics in chat is not "censoring a victim." All we're asking is that everyone hold themselves to the simple standard of following our very, VERY clear guidelines.
        Jul 17, 2020
      5. Hashhog
        I am more than happy to go over with you in private message why each and every one of those topics you just listed is against our rules, as there are specific and different reasons (though related) for each of those.
        Jul 17, 2020
    18. triphora
      hey... you doing alright, bud? feel free to send me a PM...
    19. Sefl
      lol... K then.... guess we can't talk about going through depression or anxiety but by god we can talk about shooting a pig in the head, among other things done to said pig for harvest AND make jokes about it... Great server being run here.... A+ Service Will Definitely Play More
      1. Kasmaa, Gaming_Comander and BenMA like this.
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      3. BenMA
        Okay, this is irrelevant now. Post this on the other status about brutually slaughting the damn pig.
        May 16, 2020
      4. Gaming_Comander
        We stopped a while ago buddy, take your complaints to some other thread. One more note: The situation was already handled if you read the comments above, so the topic has technically been closed, and of you care so much about the earlier conversation by all means I encourage you to make a thread about it, I'll be sure to leave a word or two there, relevant of course for your satisfaction ;p
        May 17, 2020
      5. BenMA
        It was closed? Oh really? Because it seems you two are still going. This is my last post. You two are the ones making smart comments about Sefl making a statement.
        May 17, 2020
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    Under the Sea