Jan 16, 2012
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Austin, Texas
Lab Supervisor

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Silver Forum Member
, Female, from Austin, Texas

RIP Bernard Cribbins :,( Jul 28, 2022

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    1. Krysyy
      So glad that I got to see him perform last year. RIP Charlie Daniels
      1. View previous comments...
        Jul 6, 2020
      3. Hoops_McCann
      4. SkeleTin007
        A legend will live on through the radio but is never forgotten. Rest in peace Charlie Daniels. That fiddle will always play in our hearts.
        Jul 10, 2020
    2. Krysyy
      Tested negative finally. I think I've chewed off all my fingernails today while waiting for the results. Another test on Sunday with results Monday and I should be able to go back to the office.
    3. Krysyy
      Another covid test sent off. Let's hope the dead RNA is no longer detected.
      1. DrMadFate likes this.
      2. SoulPunisher
        At this point I swear you must be responsible for at least half of the USA’s tests
        Jun 30, 2020
      3. Krysyy
        5 of them, haha
        Jun 30, 2020
    4. Krysyy
      Test 4/5 for Covid complete. Now to wait for results. This is always the hardest part...
      1. DrMadFate likes this.
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      3. samsimx
        30-45 min turn around? Good luck Krysyy
        Jun 24, 2020
      4. farmerguyson
        I hope all is well for you.
        Jun 24, 2020
      5. Krysyy
        Not a rapid test because too many false readings. It will be a day or so. I sent in the sample yesterday afternoon.
        Jun 24, 2020
    5. Krysyy
      We're back with some of my top interview tips this interview season. PLEASE make eye contact. The interviewer doesn't like looking at the whites of your eyes. They want to see those pretty irises instead!
      1. MattieTheSpud
        Goes the other way too.. Hate when I'm at an interview and they're staring over my shoulder. Always feel like I've done something wrong ;-;
        Jun 20, 2020
    6. Krysyy
      Covid affects everyone a little differently. Friend is positive and he never even had a fever :O
      1. DrMadFate likes this.
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      3. Tuqueque
        Apparently blood types are related to how it affects people. O Blood type seems to "repel" partially the worst symptoms
        Jun 14, 2020
      4. Krysyy
        I'll have to ask him what he is. I know I'm not O, but my brother is.
        Jun 15, 2020
      5. Sadie_Dragon
        (Sorry to be late but) I haven't gotten it yet, and idk what my blood type is (No one's ever asked me so i couldn't tell you), but that sounds interesting...
        Jun 19, 2020
    7. Krysyy
      Sister positive as well and I haven't seen her in weeks. I think Austin, TX just had a boom.
      1. DrMadFate likes this.
      2. BenMA
        A lot of states are seeing an increase. They believe the second wave is here, or is almost here. Opening states up too soon is also a factor.
        Jun 11, 2020
    8. Krysyy
      Official covid log: Day 2 - Lost power for 20 mins. The dog wonders why I'm home again. Only symptom is a headache I can't take meds for. Laptop wants to take forever to update. Contemplating grooming the dog myself...
      1. DrMadFate likes this.
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      3. Krysyy
        How about a before and after? The actual during is likely gonna take hours...
        Jun 11, 2020
      4. jewel_king
        that works too =P
        Jun 11, 2020
      5. MoreMoople
        Haha, one of my dance teachers did his wife's hair (our other teacher) with the clippers meant for the dogs. Sort of a twist on what you're contemplating, haha.
        Jun 12, 2020
    9. Krysyy
      Mystery solved: I have covid.
      1. DrMadFate and 607 like this.
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      3. Joy_the_Miner
        I'm so sorry... :( I hope that you are able to keep positive thoughts to help you through this difficult time in your life..
        Jun 11, 2020
      4. Beacon_CW
        I'm sorry to hear that, my mother and I had got it and we know how hard it can be. I hope you get better as fast as possible.
        Jun 11, 2020
      5. Eviltoade
        Jeez thats terrible, hopefully your recovery is quick! <3
        Jun 11, 2020
    10. Krysyy
      If my body could just recover fully, I'd greatly appreciate it
      1. DrMadFate likes this.
    11. Krysyy
      My electric company coop is actually holding a raffle in the form of a vote. The catch is there is only one candidate to vote for. Totally makes sense...but hey, if I win the $250, my sanity is worth sacrificing.
      1. DrMadFate and Bennylikesditto like this.
    12. Krysyy
      Achievement: NOT fainting during a blood draw at the docs. It's all about the breathing. :)
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      2. Krysyy
        Wow I said a couple but that was nearly 6 years ago...time flies
        May 21, 2020
        Yea I had a bruise on both of my arms from when I was in the hospital recently
        May 21, 2020
      4. Sadie_Dragon
        Had beautiful bruising on both elbows and the right hand looked like I slammed a brick wall... Had to put the iv in wrong just to hit the vein, that wasn't fun... -.- summary of this: blood work isn't fun for everyone...
        May 21, 2020
    13. Krysyy
      Doctor appt FINALLY this afternoon. (Was scheduled back in March and we've been rescheduling since)
      1. DrMadFate and Gaming_Comander like this.
    14. Stnywitness
      Thanks for all you do for this server, Krysyy. I appreciate you, and the other staff members who work tirelessly to keep this server awesome. :)
      1. Krysyy
        Definitely a joint effort! Thanks for the kind words.
        May 14, 2020
      2. Stnywitness
        It sure is. :) Your welcome! Anytime :)
        May 14, 2020
    15. Krysyy
      Rules Update!
      1. MoreMoople
        The new rules rule!
        May 14, 2020
    16. PhoenixFire546
      can i plz get some help? someone stole valuable items from my chests (Ores, enderpearls and redstone)
      1. Krysyy
        I removed the coordinates that you posted because this is public. I'm starting a private convo with you and some staff to help you out where we handle these things.
        May 6, 2020
    17. Krysyy
      Just a small note that we cleaned up discord a bit. If you find that you aren't on the server anymore, it's due to inactivity on discord for 30 days. Just rejoin when you want to hang out with us!
    18. Krysyy
      Started a new diet called 'home cooked meals'. Cheaper overall than any meal plan and some pretty awesome meals. Maybe I'll actually start adulting...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sachrock
        100 meals need to be made before acquiring the custom chef's hat
        Apr 30, 2020
      3. Krysyy
        *starts counting*
        Apr 30, 2020
      4. crystaldragon13
        D= What is this adulting you speak of? Sounds interesting. Sure hope there's some childing mixed in there somewhere. also... love home cooked meals. =]
        Apr 30, 2020
    19. Krysyy
      Well, tried to sleep but instead had a 30 minute scary movie broadcast in my head. I guess that's my body's way of saying no...
      1. DrMadFate and crystaldragon13 like this.
      2. crystaldragon13
        aack.. I've had that. Hello morning =_=
        Apr 29, 2020
    20. Krysyy
      Woot, power restored. Getting some more shut eye hopefully now that my ac hum is back. See you all at a more reasonable hour.
      1. DrMadFate and 607 like this.
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    Austin, Texas
    Lab Supervisor
    I've had the joy to be a member of Empire Minecraft for over 6 years, and a staff member for a good 4+ and going.

    I have 2 large fur babies that I love dearly: Zara and Zoboomafoo (Zaboo). They are a Great Pyrenees and Great Pyrenees mix, respectfully, and love their cuddle time.

    Unfortunately, I cannot play EMC all day and do have to actually pay the bills, so I have what you call a full-time job :eek:*shocker*. I'm a Lab Supervisor at a medical clinic in heart of the great state of Texas. :cool:

    I am a HUGE fan of Doctor Who, so if you ever want to talk about it, just shoot me a message. If you send me spoilers for an episode, without clarifying that I've seen it first, I will not be a happy camper, so please don't.:mad:

    That's really about all I have to say...
    If you haven't yet, make sure you read the rules and always follow them. It makes me happy and everyone likes a happy Krysyy!:D