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Jun 2, 2024 at 10:19 PM
Feb 13, 2018
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Esteemed Member, Male, from New York State, USA

Looking to buy a few perm vouchers, I have rupees and/or promos. May 5, 2024

Kryarias was last seen:
Jun 2, 2024 at 10:19 PM
    1. Kryarias
      Sorry I can’t be on. Indoor track ends at 5:30 then I have to come home, take a shower, do hw and eat and then it’s almost time for bed. Hopefully see you this weekend EMC!
    2. Kryarias
      Started indoor track yesterday to get in shape. And boy am I sore.
      1. boscodo likes this.
    3. Kryarias
      Is it possible to put a schematic (from schematica mod) into the WorldEdit schematics
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AlexC__
        Nov 9, 2019
      3. Kryarias
        Alex, that does not seem to work. It gives me the command but in MC it wont work.
        Nov 10, 2019
      4. AlexC__
        It has to be Fast Async WE not regular WE. I don't know if it's available in SP
        Nov 10, 2019
    4. Kryarias
      Past few days have been busy. Haven’t been able to get on EMC but will most likely be on today as it’s Friday.
    5. Kryarias
      Wasn’t on yesterday because I was visiting my grandma and grandpa.
    6. Kryarias
      Would yall buy stone 3k per dc?
    7. Kryarias
      Can you claim a res on utopia with iron supporter? like thats your only res
      1. Sadie_Dragon
        Gold and diamond only for utopia res claims, unfortunately. Feel like iron really doesn't have a use...
        Oct 19, 2019
      2. TomvanWijnen
        Nope, you cannot.
        Oct 19, 2019
      3. triphora
        Iron is really for people who will leave for a long time but can't/don't want to vote, and can't/don't want to log in. Also for people who want minor residence changes. But yeah, otherwise it's useless.
        Oct 20, 2019
    8. Kryarias
      I wish diamonds were more valuable in emc, and used as currency sometimes.
      1. TheKutesyKiraboo likes this.
      2. Tbird1128
        Thank the newer players for that. They used to be way more valuable than they are now but the newer plaers are pricing items way cheaper than they used to be and now the economy is suffering for it.
        Oct 15, 2019
    9. Kryarias
      I made a firefloor that starts when firecharges light the leaves, then I find out fire charges dont work on EMC. any suggestions?
      1. Sadie_Dragon
        Flint and steel? (also double posted?)
        Oct 19, 2019
    10. Kryarias
      Paying someone to use their tokens to change my res biome
      1. samsimx
        how much does it cost
        Oct 9, 2019
      2. Kryarias
        5000 tokens i think
        Oct 9, 2019
      3. samsimx
        i can do it for you then, free of charge
        Oct 10, 2019
    11. Kryarias
      Everytime I try to log into EMC it says its down for matinence but I know its not because I was just logged on and my alt is on.
    12. Kryarias
      I miss emc hopefully coming back soon all ress are derelict I think but it’s ok with me I guess as long as 1 is not hehe
      1. TheKutesyKiraboo likes this.
      2. Tbird1128
        All it takes is one vote
        Sep 30, 2019
    13. Kryarias
      School starts today. Mixed emotions.
      1. Stnywitness likes this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Hope you had a good first day back :)
        Sep 5, 2019
      3. Kryarias
        Thanks Moops, I did and hopefully it all goes well the whole year. None of my friends in some of my classes which is upsetting but fine I guess haha.
        Sep 5, 2019
    14. Kryarias
      I cant load 1.14 or anything 1.13+. Made a thread about it, please help if you can. <3
      1. chickeneer
        Any idea what caused this? If you are familiar with the .minecraft folder - if it were me, I would remove it temporarily. Then copy my saves back in.
        Sep 4, 2019
    15. Kryarias
      Labor day at the lake is the best labor day! School starts on Thursday -_-
    16. Kryarias
      Can you guys give me some ideas of things to build in and out of town. Thanks so much
    17. Kryarias
      I keep getting this the authentication servers are down for maintenance error. It's very hard to log in to EMC now. I have to relog multiple times and its even hard to relog cause the launcher won't always connect to the wifi even though my PC is connected.
    18. Kryarias
      Maybe 1.14 is coming out when the waste resets o.o
      1. MattieTheSpud
        wouldn't count on it aha
        Aug 25, 2019
      2. Skiddylicense04
        though it would be nice
        Aug 25, 2019
    19. Kryarias
      how far away do u have to be for a mob to spawn on EMC?
      1. Will_McNab likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kryarias
        Kloned do you think you could get on for a few mins to help me figure out my best afk spot? thanks
        Aug 23, 2019
      4. ThaKloned
        If it uses water to push the mobs then really anywhere is fine. It's when a farm relys on mob movement that you need to be closer.
        Aug 23, 2019
      5. Kryarias
        Well they have to spawn on the pads first and when I ask at the bottom of top a few of the closest pads don't spawn mobs so then it's not 100%
        Aug 23, 2019
    20. Kryarias
      I'm getting ads way to big for the site and it's messing everything up.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kryarias
        Is it a certain one?
        Aug 22, 2019
      3. harpyLemons
        I'm glad I'm not alone, lol
        Aug 22, 2019
      4. Smooshed_Potato
        I’m not sure. I just found one and checked if it was safe. Seems to be, so I downloaded it.
        Aug 22, 2019
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