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Jun 2, 2024 at 10:19 PM
Feb 13, 2018
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Esteemed Member, Male, from New York State, USA

Looking to buy a few perm vouchers, I have rupees and/or promos. May 5, 2024

Kryarias was last seen:
Jun 2, 2024 at 10:19 PM
    1. Kryarias
      So I have gone through MANY animal eggs on diff 10 using looting III and have got no heads. Any tips? I have not done it in town just waste and wild.
      1. Will_McNab likes this.
    2. Kryarias
      How do I reset my bed in the Wild? I forgot the command.
      1. Will_McNab likes this.
      2. jewel_king
        Aug 15, 2019
      3. Kryarias
        Thank you jewel :)
        Aug 15, 2019
    3. Kryarias
      With the new update will you be able to egg fish with a wand or use a bucket? What about dolphins?
      1. Will_McNab likes this.
      2. JoshCoram
        It's almost definate dolphins will get there own eggs as seen with all previous friendly mobs..Since there's vinilla creative fish eggs, there's a almost definate chance of the eggs being added. That being said tropical fish are unlikely to get more than the basic eggs due to all the additional work / coding that would have to go into adding eggs for each type of tropical fish.
        Aug 13, 2019
    4. Kryarias
      I'm on another break, I know some of my accounts are derelict but I don't have a laptop I'm at my lake house
      1. Will_McNab likes this.
      2. Smooshed_Potato
        Voting for your accounts keeps them from going derelict for 1 week :)
        Jul 27, 2019
    5. Kryarias
      Can pigment go through as many portals and stay in the over world when agro I am wondering for my gold farm
      1. Will_McNab likes this.
      2. Warlord678
        I thought you were talking about art at first.
        Jul 9, 2019
      3. fadedmartian
        No, on EMC, items and entities/mobs cannot go through nether portals
        Jul 10, 2019
    6. Kryarias
      Hi all when we go into 1.14 I was wondering if the bubble streams from soul sand and magma will be a feature.
      1. Will_McNab likes this.
      2. TheFryedmans
        Yes they will
        Jul 8, 2019
      3. Silken_thread
        Should be, it only tends to be things that can be used to dupe its or used to great or damage that are blocked.
        Jul 9, 2019
    7. triphora
      You have way too many alts
      1. Kryarias
        Someone can never have to many
        Jun 25, 2019
      2. fadedmartian
        You can when you dont use them or have a purpose for them... granted that doesnt mean obviously you arent allowed to own them or not obvi :3
        Jun 26, 2019
    8. Kryarias
      Is there a chart that shows the lowest amount of emerald for each enchantment book trade?
      1. D_ceased
        Tier I trades: 5
        (also applies to enchantments like Aqua Affinity, Infinity, etc)
        Tier II trades: 8
        Tier III trades: 11
        Tier IV trades: 14
        Tier V trades: 17

        Double the amount if it's a treasure enchantment
        (so 5x2=10 for Mending and Frost Walker I, as well as Cursed Enchantments, and 8x2=16 for Frost Walker II)

        Jun 23, 2019
    9. Kryarias
      Is it illegal to stand at 2 afk farms on 2 accounts like iron farms where they go through lava and die
      1. Starsphere likes this.
      2. Smooshed_Potato
        i think as long as you stay at your keyboard and can respond to a staff member (should they choose to check on you) in a timely manner it is fine. don't quote me on that tho ;P
        Jun 22, 2019
      3. khixan
        ^^ what spuds of love said. If it is a public iron farm, just apply courtesy. At Fe(II), I ask that folks give over after 30 minutes if someone is waiting to use it. They are welcome to re-queue for it though. Also, don't AFK at Fe(II) for more than 10-15 minutes. The lag is real. It's an active kill farm (all the PWU farms are that way).
        Jun 22, 2019
      4. TomvanWijnen
        You can stay AFK anywhere for as long as yoy want on as many accounts as you want. The only requirement is that if you interact (break/place blocks, type, move with WASD/Space, etc) with the world, this is done on 1 account maximum, and not while AFK.
        Jun 23, 2019
    10. Kryarias
      Anyone wanna build a gold farm for me? Will pay, please see thread under Community Disc if so.
      1. Starsphere likes this.
    11. Kryarias
      Which server is the most popular nowadays?
      1. Starsphere likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. _REMOVED_87055
        Smp5 is life
        Jun 21, 2019
      4. deadmon5
        Smp5 is infested with squids. Dont go its a trap
        Jun 21, 2019
      5. The_Boulder
        5 like Burki said...
        Jun 21, 2019
    12. Kryarias
      So I was working on something big in SP and the world went corrupt :(
      1. Starsphere likes this.
    13. Kryarias
      Hey so school ended yesterday and I have exams today and tomorrow after that is summer. But I am kinda stuck on EMC, what I mean is I don't know what to do.
      1. Starsphere likes this.
      2. 607
        You can also do other stuff. ;)
        Jun 18, 2019
    14. Kaddrii
      HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAVEN! #YumItsAVineReference
      1. Kryarias likes this.
      2. triphora
        I can't swim
        Jun 11, 2019
    15. Kryarias
      Happy birthday to me!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kryarias
        Thank you guys so much!
        Jun 11, 2019
      3. Starsphere
        happy late birthday
        Jun 18, 2019
      4. Kryarias
        Thanks :)
        Jun 18, 2019
    16. Kryarias
      If I build something very close to spawn of the wild will it get removed? Because I don't want it to.
      1. AlexC__
        Probably not but depends what it is
        Jun 10, 2019
      2. Silken_thread
        It's always been recommended to build outside 8k blocks from wild spawn, as the area can get reset. Although I have only know the area of the spawn to actually get reset.
        Jun 10, 2019
      3. Silken_thread
        Also make sure your over 3 or 5k blocks from another player base, you can check this in the wiki and live map
        Jun 10, 2019
    17. Kryarias
      1. Ch33zus
        I don't have the time or knowledge to help you however you can get good designs for health pots (whatever pots you like with changing ingredients) if you search up on YT "HCF best auto brewer build",back in the day and we'd always have to quickly build auto brewers every map so there must be some valuable info to be found there. Note however it is in 1.8 i think but i doubt that changes anything.
        Jun 3, 2019
    18. Kryarias
      Are there any auto brewer designs you guys recommend? Has to be able to make any and every potion.
    19. Kryarias
    20. Kryarias
      Grats to the new staffers. Also I still am kind of away and I want to come back but idk if I can bc almost all my things are gone. If I come back I want to make 1 successful shop/store/business.
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
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