Nov 15, 2015
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Dedicated Member, Female, from Neverland ❤️

To my younger EMC players (especially the ladies): please stay safe online <3 (continued in comments) Mar 12, 2022

    1. rhxa
      To my younger EMC players (especially the ladies): please stay safe online <3 (continued in comments)
      1. We3_MPO, 607, KatydidBuild and 7 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rhxa
        If someone reaches out with a concern or needs a name for a good reason, I will provide it, otherwise outing the person just fuels nosey people.
        Mar 30, 2022
      4. 607
        Fuelling nosey people is exactly what you did, I think. I'll leave it at that.
        Mar 31, 2022
      5. rhxa
        If by that you were referencing yourself, I’d agree ;) but my purpose in posting this is to let other ppl going through the same thing that they aren’t alone, that I get it, and I’m here for them, whether or not they rly know me. I don’t want bickering to detract from that v important message.
        Mar 31, 2022
    2. rhxa
      checks forum for the first time in more than a year- is awarded Empire Elder B)
      1. ArkonXT likes this.
    3. Sachrock
      Happy Belated Milk Day!
      1. rhxa likes this.
    4. OhMiku
      hope you're ok =)
      1. rhxa likes this.
    5. rhxa
      Haven't been on EMC in a while but man have things gone downhill. Remember when smp8 had tons of members and there was a pretty good chance of getting hit by a raw marriage fish? now everything is corrupt and the server is empty... it makes me sad :(
      1. Elaeriic likes this.
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      3. Krysyy
        So they see is an established member calling the server 'corrupt' and that's it. In the server world, that means bans without reason, your stuff being taken, etc.
        Mar 26, 2020
      4. jossytheninja
        Yeah I know what you mean :( I came back recently too and all my friends who were long time players of like 4+ years moved on from EMC.. apparently a lot changed while I wasn't on...I still see familiar faces but it still sucks my close circle is mostly gone, I have them all on discord so we're still able to play off EMC so at least I got that 😛
        Mar 26, 2020
      5. jossytheninja
        We were just reminiscing of the old days and how fun they were and how cool the old staff was too... maybe things will change in the future? Who knows....I hope so though :)
        Mar 26, 2020
    6. _REMOVED_104180
      it's been a bit, hope all is well <3
      1. rhxa likes this.
      2. rhxa
        Awh its been a min <3 all is well, as i hope it is with u too :DD
        Jan 22, 2020
    7. rhxa
      yesterday marked both 4 years on this wacky server and my 18th year on this earth :D time flies bro
      1. TheBeansyKiraboo and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Been a while!! Congratulations and happy birthday! :D
        Nov 4, 2019
      3. jewel_king
        Happy bday 2x!
        Nov 4, 2019
    8. rhxa
      i dont check forums often, so if you need me, shoot me a message on discord: rhxa#0910
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
    9. 607
      "I'm not very active on forums" You weren't kidding, you made 20 posts in half a year. :P
      1. rhxa likes this.
      2. rhxa
        xD I've made 2 in 2019, when i updated my About saying im no longer active haha.
        Feb 6, 2019
      3. rhxa
        Its flattering that u counted tho ;D xD
        Feb 6, 2019
    10. rhxa
      1. belac555 and MoreMoople like this.
    11. fadedmartian
      Hai \o/
      1. rhxa likes this.
      2. fadedmartian
        Sorry, I was AFK :O
        Oct 25, 2018
      3. rhxa
        Haha just now seeing this. It’s all good!! :D
        Nov 1, 2018
      4. fadedmartian
        No problem :P
        Nov 2, 2018
    12. rhxa
      every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end ❤️❤️
    13. rhxa
      so over this heat ughh i’m so ready for fall!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. belac555
        same here it was 98 degrees here today ugh its september
        Sep 14, 2018
      3. fadedmartian
        its 98 here right now, but the high is 106 :O
        Sep 14, 2018
      4. belac555
        ugh god thats terrible
        Sep 14, 2018
    14. rhxa
      Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. My mama says to pick the best... and you are it ❤️
      1. belac555 likes this.
      2. belac555
        i'm the best awesome lol how are you doing today
        Sep 3, 2018
      3. rhxa
        Haha 😂😂 i am doing well!! How about yourself? :)
        Sep 3, 2018
      4. belac555
        i'm good
        Sep 3, 2018
    15. DrMadFate
      How is chandler doing ?
      1. rhxa likes this.
      2. rhxa
        Haha 😝 amazing 😊❤️❤️
        Aug 28, 2018
    16. rhxa
      And when push comes to shove... I will send a fully-armed battalion to remind you of my love 😊
    17. rhxa
      Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie makes me cry everytime- idk why i listen to it like it doesnt.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rhxa
        Theres a new one? Newer than the one released a couple years ago?
        Aug 16, 2018
      3. ShyguytheGamer1

        Thank you for today

        It released today
        Aug 16, 2018
      4. rhxa
        Oh!! I’ll have to give it a listen! I didnt know- thanks for telling me :D
        Aug 16, 2018
    18. MattieTheSpud

      1. rhxa
        please stop posting on my page.
        Aug 9, 2018
      2. MattieTheSpud
        Aug 9, 2018
    19. rhxa
      panicked at the disco
      1. derp_duckie, Sachrock and __Devil_ like this.
      2. Sachrock
        How was it?
        Jul 30, 2018
      3. rhxa
        AMAZING <3
        Jul 30, 2018
      4. Sachrock
        Good to hear :D
        Jul 30, 2018
    20. StgbtL
      lmao i thought you were a new member. but you were bunni the whole time :P
      1. derp_duckie and rhxa like this.
      2. rhxa
        Haha i tried to put it in my sig to keep from confusion but i guess ill still have to change my name back xD :P
        Jul 27, 2018
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    formerly known as _Bunni__ <3


    Home page:
    Neverland ❤️
    Student & Bad B
    Hi! I am a 20 year old Psychology and Spanish student who spent her teenaged years on this server. I'm not very active anymore, you may see me online every once in a while w my irl boyfriend Kazuguya, but I check forums every few months or so, so if we used to talk and you want to shoot me a message or write on my page feel free! EMC was a fun part of my childhood and I love reconnecting with the people I met here :)

    11/02/2021- my 5th anniversary on this server