Aug 29, 2012
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Virginia, US
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Revered Member, Male, from Virginia, US

I'm assuming the rainbow banner is in regards to gay marriage being legalized in all of the us? Jun 26, 2015

    1. We3_MPO
      Thanks for the follow! I know you're just an alt of Elite, but still! :D
    2. EquableHook
      Congratulations, Your profile is now Illuminati Confirmed!
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    3. 1MB
      I'm assuming the rainbow banner is in regards to gay marriage being legalized in all of the us?
      1. We3_MPO and Deadmaster98 like this.
      2. Brisingr34
        I would guess the same thing....
        Jun 26, 2015
    4. 1MB
      But... Elite, why? D:
      1. Tigerstar, RainbowPony and Alyattayla like this.
    5. 1MB
      Scratch off smp2 clock - Something newer is coming in it's place. :)
      1. ShelLuser and ScarTheNinja like this.
      2. 1MB
        I know it hasn't been at the smp2 spawn for long, but I think having to keep the chunk loaded just to keep it running and on time makes it seem not as grandiose of an idea as it was when I first designed it.
        Dec 17, 2014
      3. ShelLuser
        Well, that explained a few things to me ;) For the record, I did manage to spot this (I think) and well; it was impressive!
        Feb 3, 2015
    6. 1MB
      I love how people twist wordings to try to make me seem incorrect - especially when they have to try to use Google to do so. #NoHope4Society
      1. ShelLuser and tedrocker like this.
    7. 1MB
    8. 1MB
      I'm thinking of replacing the smp2 clock with a calculator or something already xD ...but I might wait a bit.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Luckygreenbird
        how bad would it be to add trig and log as well? XD
        Dec 5, 2014
      3. jkrmnj
        I think this would be awesome to see. Go for it.
        Dec 5, 2014
      4. 1MB

        There lucky...

        It looks easy tbh... I could make 'that' ...but the size of it makes me feel like it would be difficult to add normal (add, multiply, subtract, divide) functions in... on a 58x58x30 area on the res xD

        I could see about looking at it and making it more compact.... we'll see ;)
        Dec 11, 2014
    9. 1MB
      Woohoo 1,000 days old on elite.
      1. Bro_im_infinite
        YaY Partay!!!
        Dec 4, 2014
    10. 1MB
      Make a triangle with your hands. Center an object through the hole. Close each eye; If the object is centered - that's your predominant eye.
      1. Dj__Krazy, NathanRP and Monster_ like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 1MB
        For me, personally, I might be a little schizo. I can play guitar hero on expert with either hand, use keyboard & mouse, swing a bat, throw a ball, weed eat, actual eat, pour drinks... only thing that I rarely do is write with my left, so my left is sloppier, but that's just cause I never write with it :)
        Dec 4, 2014
      4. 1MB
        One thing I hate though, is sometimes if I go to pour a drink, i'll honestly stop for a second, forgetting which hand to use xD
        Dec 4, 2014
      5. NathanRP
        Im actually left :/
        Dec 4, 2014
    11. Moms_CreditCard
      That Love Stage profile pic...
      1. eklektoi likes this.
    12. 1MB
      Today has been serendipitous. :)
      1. Moms_CreditCard
        Nov 25, 2014
    13. 1MB
      blargh - I put on someone else's glasses for a few minutes - took them off, now I feel nausious :p
      1. colepuncher likes this.
    14. 1MB
      1. southpark347 likes this.
    15. 1MB
      My web host doesn't support perl nor cgi scripts ... does anyone know any alternative ways to check if cookies are enabled?
      1. 1MB
        Would just use javascript, but some browsers and people have javascript disabled ... I'm unsure about php... But just need an older way, that isn't disabled nor deprecated.
        Nov 13, 2014
    16. 1MB
      Almost 200 browser versions in past few days - Just about finished with browser specific visualization system ...gecko and msie .. smh :3
      1. Alyattayla likes this.
      2. 1MB
        Internet explorer and firefox are hardest to work with .... Chrome, Opera, and Amazon Silk are easiest to work with ... Safari - visualizer is finicky, but music still works.
        Nov 12, 2014
      3. 1MB
        User Agents most people might not know about...

        Bada | Tizen | Sailfish | PhantomJS | SeaMonkey
        Nov 12, 2014
    17. CaptainCraft300
      I've seen your profile picture (without 'elite' on it) before on a Nightcore video :P
      1. 1MB
        My picture used to be Alois, from a Ciel Phantomhive & Alois Trancy doll photoshot ... but I thought some of the shots might be too creepy for emc, so I just used Alois show picture this time. :)
        Nov 2, 2014
      2. 1MB
        Nov 2, 2014
      3. CaptainCraft300
        Indeed, doll pictures are freaky.
        Nov 2, 2014
    18. 1MB
      I believe emc crashed again :/
      1. Deadmaster98 likes this.
    19. 1MB
      Apparently my CPU Q-Fan Control and ACC Function got disabled... perhaps that might be why my room felt like an oven and multiple BSODs? :3
      1. 1MB
        I was in the middle of writing a lua game for computercraft too D:
        Oct 28, 2014
      2. g0hl
        RIP Progress
        Oct 28, 2014
      3. 1MB
        Yeah - at first I was re-writing the worm game... then I decided, nah i'll make a shooter with multiplayer support :p
        Oct 28, 2014
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    Home page:
    Virginia, US
    Developer | Inventor
    My real name is: Caléb Ferguson

    My main account is: Elite

    I primarily use that account in game and forums


    I am a developer for EMC, and a developer and inventor for Blue.

    Come say Hi :)