Last activity:
May 15, 2024
Feb 20, 2012
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Central Time Zone

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Revered Member, Male, from Central Time Zone

Looking back at my PM's and these posts it's kinda funny to see how I typed in the past, I'm glad I've matured, and have EMC to look back. Mar 4, 2017

rLalle was last seen:
May 15, 2024
    1. rLalle
      Looking back at my PM's and these posts it's kinda funny to see how I typed in the past, I'm glad I've matured, and have EMC to look back.
    2. rLalle
      I lied! I'm back for a limited time! What'd I miss?
      1. MistyLou and AlexChance like this.
    3. rLalle
      Pretty much gone forever... Got reset, despite my issues and problems with that situation, I can't change it and its over now. Continue->
      1. rLalle
        I don't really feel the need to make a post on the forums, I'm moderately known, but I'm not going to let everyone know I'm going, just don't see the point.
        May 26, 2014
      2. rLalle
        Thanks for all the memories guys, wish you all well and I don't think I'll ever play as much as I use to. You may see me on SMP8 from time to time, doing some random traveling, other than that I think I'm done with EMC.

        May 26, 2014
      3. ItsMeAubey
        May 26, 2014
    4. jacob5089
      Where'd you go?
    5. Charip
      Creepin, go to the setup page and hit environment at the top, then select 1.6.2, I had the same problem.
      1. rLalle
        No, like I couldn't get the lauchner because of some odd java error. So I had no way to update, but I fixed it awhile ago :) Thanks for telling me though.
        Aug 21, 2013
    6. penfoldex
      Oh hey, you're still alive!
    7. Jakres
      Keep up the good work comrade!
      1. creepincreepers7 likes this.
      2. rLalle
        Uh... Sure? I'll try my best to do good at whatever I'm doing good at!
        May 1, 2013
    8. IamSaj
      You have just been Saj'd.
      1. rLalle
        Yeah I figured that someone musta done that when I logged in to see 16 alerts xD I have had that happen once just from 3 posts getting likes haha.
        Feb 27, 2013
    9. rLalle
      Woot Woot! 365th day! One full year :D It's been a great one, I hope to put up a little story/ AMA tomorrow if I don't have to much to do.
      1. Alyattayla, IamSaj and penfoldex like this.
      2. rLalle
        Hoping to get it up tonight, gotta go soon but maybe I'll finish it.
        Feb 20, 2013
    10. Lukas3226
      you've stolen my soul :( your signature is a trap :P
      1. IamSaj and creepincreepers7 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rLalle
        So close, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Feb 25, 2013
      4. Lukas3226
        And congratulations to your 100th soul :-)
        Feb 28, 2013
      5. rLalle
        Thank you, thank you. Now my plan shall comense! Where've you been on 8? Have seen you on at all.
        Feb 28, 2013
    11. rLalle
      Did I just waste your time followers? Did you think this alert would be worth it? Well I'm sorry, cause it's not at all...
      1. IamSaj and THE_LEGEND4 like this.
    12. Jakres
      Heya, if you need any supply in Sunstreak, just ask me, I'm so called "Mining freak".
      1. IamSaj and creepincreepers7 like this.
      2. rLalle
        Lol I've heard you are before :P So it must be true lol :P Thanks I'll let you know if I need anything.
        Feb 11, 2013
    13. jkjkjk182
      Hey, how much money do you have? I would be willing to partner in that 20 beacon auction:)
      1. IamSaj likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rLalle
        Nor could I, 100k is something I hope to pass around June... Maybe then I'll be able to invest in big auctions like that.
        Feb 9, 2013
      4. jkjkjk182
        Find skeleton or zombie spawners, and make nice xp/drop grinders. You should be able to make 8k off a good zombie on. and easily 8k off of a skeleton one. Also, books. Get as much leather from breeding cows, and make books. I would guess that a double chest of books would generate above 15k. Thats what i would bid:P
        Feb 9, 2013
      5. rLalle
        That's what I'm doing lol, I just need to stop spending XD
        Feb 9, 2013
    14. yarbsarb
      Is that you in IcC Profile Picture?
      1. IamSaj and creepincreepers7 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. yarbsarb
        Wow who else is their?
        Jan 29, 2013
      4. rLalle
        From left to right XD:
        Zeke, Pab, IcC, Me, and Zebrafishcat.
        Assuming you don't know zebra, he's now Daxter9133
        Jan 29, 2013
      5. yarbsarb
        Jan 29, 2013
    15. rLalle
      Followed by Aikar? What's this?
      1. IamSaj and NINJATTILA like this.
    16. rLalle
      Lol I've been Ninja'd...NINJATTILA you liked every single status I have almost lol.
      1. IamSaj, NINJATTILA and penfoldex like this.
    17. mba2012
      So, I hear 100k into the wild. May I change my smp8 wild travel plans?
      1. IamSaj and creepincreepers7 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rLalle
        Sure that'd be fine, but I hope you realize it isn't an ideal distance to travel just to supply a shop :P
        Jan 23, 2013
      4. mba2012
        Yeah lol. But lots of materials.
        Jan 23, 2013
      5. rLalle
        True :) I sent you the invite :)
        Jan 23, 2013
    18. rLalle
      I just need a referral and then I'll have all 118 trophy points!!!!
      1. IamSaj, NINJATTILA and mba2012 like this.
    19. rLalle
      XD So today in Mob Arena during a zombie only round I managed to make it to the final 5 with nothing. No food. No armor. XD It was great.
      1. IamSaj, NINJATTILA and Equinox_Boss like this.
    20. rLalle
      My EMC Goals for 2013 1. Mulitple my money by 10. 2. Become more well-known. 3. Open and mantain my shop in the making.
      1. IamSaj, NINJATTILA and Equinox_Boss like this.
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    I'm still alive!


    Central Time Zone