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Apr 9, 2024
Nov 13, 2011
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North Dakota, USA

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Revered Member, Male, from North Dakota, USA

Well, road edits aren't gonna happen apparently. Was given the impression that I could build them in a creative world and have them copy/pasted into the roads on EMC. So all that work of placing blocks meticulously and planning everything out was a waste. Feb 6, 2022

iamfuturetrunks was last seen:
Apr 9, 2024
    1. iamfuturetrunks
    2. iamfuturetrunks
      tfw your trying to do something and the server crash's then you can't log into any others because "you can only be connected to one EMC server at a time." -_-
    3. iamfuturetrunks
      Trying to figure out where to put something in my res, but at the same time worried about placing it and then later it being in the way of another build -_-
    4. iamfuturetrunks
      Trying to design a cool underground tunnel for one of the roads on my res's in a creative world. Still not having much luck. Figured the new black stone might be an interesting choice but still not really happy with the designs yet. :(
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
      2. iamfuturetrunks
        What is interesting is there are no blue blocks that come in stair form. There are some that are green or light blue but nothing like a dark blue which stinks. Was hoping to contrast red nether brick stairs. Also the tunnel is only like 36 blocks so not to much room either.
        Jan 8, 2021
    5. iamfuturetrunks
      Have a cool idea for a future project but will require a lot of resources and planning it would go along with the road edits I have planned. Still having a tough time finding inspiration for the surface of my other 2 roads though. :(
      1. padde73 likes this.
    6. iamfuturetrunks
      Whoo! Got some stuff taken care of and advanced some builds. Some builds are still coming along slowly and not sure what to do with others unfortunately. But it's nice to finally advance in some of my builds for a change. Some good inspiration from some players. :D Rainbow!
    7. iamfuturetrunks
    8. iamfuturetrunks
      Well that's enough crazy for one night. Way to many builds I saw in such a short time. They have so many twists and turns. And here I thought my plans were gonna be complex.
    9. iamfuturetrunks
      Hmm need just under a stack of beacons for some decorations. -_- Either need to find a good wither skeleton farm, make one, or buy the beacons (which even with them being cheap would rather not waste a bunch of rupees on something for decoration). Gonna be a long process I think.
    10. iamfuturetrunks
      Got some of my storage situated for a change, new elevator working, and getting a bit more progress on some blocks. Still a lot left to do but it's a start.
    11. iamfuturetrunks
      Noticed one of my anvils is slightly damaged even though iv never used it and all the anvils I placed in the past were new.... <.<
    12. iamfuturetrunks
      Darn it. When you misremember something (like a build for instance) and you go looking for it and then you find it and it is not at all what you though it was. :( Was hoping for inspiration for a build im working on. Now ill have to look some more for something else perhaps
    13. iamfuturetrunks
      Oh man, the edits between my res's are gonna be so cool. Working on them currently and they look awesome. Just so much work. At least in creative mode it goes slightly faster. But trying to make sure not to forget anything is going to be stressful.
      1. khixan likes this.
      2. iamfuturetrunks
        Don't want to spend the rupees on the edit then find out I forgot this or that. Which would be so annoying. But it's gonna look cool hopefully.
        May 17, 2020
    14. iamfuturetrunks
      Finally using world downloader to make changes between the roads. Unfortunately don't have nor know how to use mcedit (or whatever else there is) so having to use TNT and left clicking in creative to try and clear out all the dirt. Kinda annoying.
      1. khixan
        May 17, 2020
      2. iamfuturetrunks
        lol just found that out today and made it easier. I remembered something like that but figured you had to use command blocks etc. Was a bit of a pain though. Now having to figure out where I want/need passage ways and stuff to go is going to be the hard part. Especially when multimc keeps crashing every now and then. -_-
        May 17, 2020
    15. iamfuturetrunks
      When you see something and are reminded of something else but can't quite remember what it was way back when. When it's on the tip of your brain but just can't think of it. Really annoying.
      1. ToddV likes this.
    16. iamfuturetrunks
      What would be funny is if you were up really high in the sky and wanted to get down fast and saw a pool of water and jumped down without realizing you weren't wearing feather falling boots but instead frost walker ones. :O That would be funny. *insert spongebob meme* "MY LEGS"
      1. wafflecoffee likes this.
    17. iamfuturetrunks
      When your back is sore cause you were doing something the day before that must have caused it to mess up and now its sore even when trying to sit or lay down. :P
    18. iamfuturetrunks
      Just saw that im considered a "Dedicated Member" hmm idk about that. Sure iv played on here a long time but I wouldn't say im "dedicated" idk.
      1. Nickblockmaster and iSmooch like this.
    19. iamfuturetrunks
      Found a HUGE village out in the wasteland that was all just one big island that was floating on the water. Was pretty cool. To bad it's wasteland and eventually will be gone. Still looked cool. Not much else to it though.
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    North Dakota, USA
    Check out my res at /v 1215 :p