Dragon Egg Auction!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by bluebl1, Feb 4, 2012.

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  1. LOL I thought leo said he got it for 30... either way, he knew he got away with murder on that auction - he was the only rich player there for it. :p
  2. comeon rodoet not gonna try and outbid ranisima?
  3. i read on the forums that they r going to make it so dragons respawn or something like that
  4. this bid will be omitted (even tho i do not think it would break any walls anyway) ongkaisiang has a debt to people before he can bid on any auctions.
    bluebl1, ignoramoose, nnnnmc1 and 2 others like this.
  5. Auction will start soon... :)
    Wish I could be there for it... my final bid will be placed on this thread since I'll be working. :(
  6. Smp 4 - 20k
  7. SMP4 - 25 000r
  8. XD i look poor compare to u guys here
  9. Come on boys, gimee that egg. xD
  10. People are bidding 60k already and the high peeks when prizes rush up will be at the auctionday itself. Also 150k isnt that much considering, diamond supporter get over 1k a day. Old Players will have those amounts easily and probably have nothing else they really wanna buy, since they probably have everything already.
    bluebl1 and NurglesRott like this.
  11. I usually see diamond supporters have around there that have been playing a lot, but still I don't think that they wanna give up all their money for one item
  12. Wait, the person who bids the highest for 1 of the eggs gets the egg right?
  13. Well right now you can either bid on a special egg like: "Server 1 Egg Bid x"
    Or if you dont care you can say "Any Egg Bid x"

    I guess it will work like this then:
    For those who bid any egg will be sorted in a list and the 4 best get taken from it (That is the MINIMUM of all possible bids then). Then a second list will be created with the best bid on a single egg. Then they take the 4 best bids. So if they have 2 high ones in the special egg section (bigger then the any egg bids). Those 2 get choosen and the other 2 will go to the best anyegg bids.
  14. unlike popular rumor we have all 4 eggs still go to the musiem to see
  15. no has no and that makes no sence

    we the whole list for each egg and if u bid any say u did 50k any and smp4 was toped at 40k then u will b put to smp4 unless u have a desired egg listed then we go down the list finding the buyer who can actualy pay thier bid we then bring u to the musiem and u buy the egg from a chest with ur bid on it( u will b in a secure room)
  16. I will just go buy chicken egg from anyone name dragon then. :(
  17. Dang I messed up the time by 12 hours. :(
    Gotta wait till I wake up now. Hope I don't miss it!
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