[Question]Upcoming changes to villager trading

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by farmerguyson, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. Will the rebalancing of villagers in the 1.21 update change villagers I already have in the Frontier? I believe the new update will add a diamond to each trade that gives a diamond item.
  2. no those are exspirimetal so they wont be added until u turn it on but emc will not turn on exspirimetns if im correct notting changes maybe
    somting with the wandeling trader getting extra trades but thats probely also exspirinetal
    farmerguyson likes this.
  3. I think what daanhu is trying to say, is that we don't really know what the affects of 1.21 are because we gotta wait to see what Mojang does or doesn't do with it still.
    In general. It'll probably be consistent with however Vanilla operates. I am unlikely to code something special to force old villagers to be updated. But also unlikely to code something to prevent them from being updated. Just let it convert however vanilla wants them to.
    farmerguyson likes this.